Another mutant betta?


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Wow, I haven't posted here in forever, huh?
Anyhow... A few weeks ago I was checking our local Walmart's new shipment of bettas, and I spied another fish with "wings" (aka really long pectoral fins) like Serafino has! Now if only I can find a female like this, I'll really have something! ;)


Synirr said:
Wow, I haven't posted here in forever, huh?
Anyhow... A few weeks ago I was checking our local Walmart's new shipment of bettas, and I spied another fish with "wings" (aka really long pectoral fins) like Serafino has! Now if only I can find a female like this, I'll really have something! ;)



Very nice fishie..... :)

U should call him Wingz.....

Er..Whats his name?

He might be mutant but hes beatiful...... :wub:
JoKeR said:
Er..Whats his name?
He has already been named Bartleby :D
I really like these "winged" bettas a lot... even though they seem to have a harder time swimming than most. Those huge fins create a lot of resistance...
That looks AWESOME! Actually, Miguels fins are almost that long as well.....looks pretty cool. :thumbs:
i love his large "wings" :wub:
my first betta, Gavin, had some really nifty wings , one was solid blue and the other was clear - it was so pretty... gosh i miss him loads.
coconutman39 said:
yea u need to treat that he has some horrible popeye.  make sure u do.
Actually he doesn't. His eyes are perfectly normal, they just have a lighter shade of red around them that makes them look bugged-out in the photos.

Edit: I just noticed that it does really look like pop-eye in the first photo, but I promise he doesn't look like that in person! *lol* I'm going to try to get a photo that won't make him look so diseased :p
You people were making me worry about my poor fishy!
Well, apparently he has decided to become camera shy (either that or he's just sleepy,) so I couldn't really get a good photo. I did get one ok pic though, and at least you can see what I'm talking about. His little "eyelids" we'll call them -- the skin around his eyes that I checked to make sure all bettas have because you made me paranoid *lol* -- is just a lighter colour than the rest of his face. His eyes are both normal (and symmetrical) size... so I don't think he's diseased. I think his little buggy eyes make him cute, actually :lol:

He looks beautiful for a 'mutant' betta. The long pectoral wings are actually pretty cool! :cool:
his left eye does look a little popped.. those pectorals are hilarious.. its like theyre made of the same type of whatever as his tail is.. never seen anything like it before... interested
leck85 said:
his left eye does look a little popped..
Yeah... but like I said, it's only in the pictures. His eyes are normal sized and symmetrical. I examined him very closely after it was first mentioned; I was afraid I had missed something and was neglecting poor Bartleby! :lol:

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