Another Ladyboy For Me :)


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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And again, its the 'hang on, this girl in the female tank is a bit, um, odd' scenario :) I went in to have a nose around and get some feeder shrimp (honestly!), and they had quite a few bettas in. The male VT's were pretty nice, but a bit pricy, and I though 'ah well, I'll have a scan of the female tank to see if there are any nice ones'. And two were having a bit of a tiff.... both purple, one flaring, one doing the female 'blocking' thing (you know, when they swim up close and shove their tail in the other one's face)... And the flaring one with suspiciosly long anal and ventral fins.... And no sign of an oviposter.... So, home the heshe comes :) So far, I've seen no oviposter, compared his-her fin's to my PK (who was also a ladyboy :)) and definate females, and put Bai, my smexy Sd male in a jar in his-her's tank, and the result is...

No idea. For now it'll be a ladyboy, if it's female, she's a nice purple and has a bit of crowning, if its male... He could be a ct plakat. Or a ct. So its a win win situation. Plus it was half the price of an adult VT male :D

Edit- I soooo want to call it Pansy ^_^ Which in Thai is roughly Daawkpaensee (thats how you prounounce it, pretty much). Isn't that such an insulting yet cute name ^_^
Pic? Yar. The flash doesn't seem to like his-her's real colour, he-she's not blue, but a darky non-metallic puple. Note, stripes ony appeared because he'she didn't like the flash much, nor did he-she like transport, but he-she didn't seem to mind getting into a fight with the others... See what I mean about the fins though? None of my female's fins are quite that long. And still no oviposter in sight... He-she did flare at Bai, though.

Looks female from the pic... when at rest, can you see the gill flap peeking out from under the gill plates? That's a good indication of a male :nod:
I can't really tell TBH, I can only see the gill flap on the two big burly male's I've got, the juvies, its a bit hard... I'll probably post another guess at sex next week sometime, I was away the past few days and everyone's seemed to have a very long good nights sleep, so none of them are particularly active/normal/colourful atm. I'm still debating whether to get another adult male at the weekend, Claudius and Vespasian are living the good life in their 'Rest Home for Retired Betta Studmuffins', and I've just realised how great adults are (I have a high juvie:adult ratio...). Umm, 'scuse the rambling :look:
Hehe, bit of an old thread, but I thoguht I'd update anyhoo. Daawkpaense (hehe, I decided to call him that ^_^) has hit puberty at an astounding rate (not stuck in a tank full of girly hormones anymore) and lo and behold, a few days after the last post, a nice long tail sprouted. He bubblenests all the time, and methinks he's a VT, judging by the singular tail rays. I do have a video, but the camera died before Photobucket had the decency to upload it, so that can come later. I've got a pic for now.
LOL no, I wanted to take pictures of all the bettas while I was waterchanging and that has the flattest side.

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