Another Kuhil Loach Question


Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, UK
the common kuhil loaches is yellow and brown, i have black kuhiles. ive also heard of silver and albino kuhiles, will all these group together as one or do they require different conditions. its abit like cories, will different sub-species shoal together (albino,panda, bronze,etc). i know cories like to be in species groups but what about kuhiles?
whats your experiences
I have 4 black 3 banded and one panda and to be honest only about two of them hang out together the rest find their own places and mosey round the tank alone.
Species groups are nigh on impossible :p The 'normal' kuhlis can be any of a whole host of species. In my 8 or so, I've got at least 3 species.
so the black, albino, banded and others are different species?
do you think i should buy another few black ones (which may take a while as i have to find some to buy) or would i manage to get away with some yellow and brown ones.
what do you think?
a far as I know khuli's love other khuli's no matter what colour but in my experience the black khuli's seem to be more healthy and easier to keep a few of my banded died when i got them but my 4 black are all going strong x
IME, the black ones come out a bit more and aren't as shy as the banded. However, they all wrap up together at night. It could be though that I only have 3 of each right now. I plan on getting 1-2 more of each, so that my help them feel a bit safer and come out even more.

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