Another Honey Gourami Question

Hmm, trying to open it a bit larger but not succeeding, from this pic left gourami definite male, right unsure as it goes blurry when I zoom in on iPad.
Lol, sorry Shelster! OK, I think I've got a really good one of her/him now! It's very good at swimming behind plants and hiding, making it difficult to catch it out in the open and calm! 
is it female.jpg

You should be able to click on this pic to enlarge it! What say you, male or female? :)
Ooh that is good on the 'ol enlargement and I say.............Female :)
Awesomeness!! :)
Shelster, thank you so much for helping me identifying them! 
Now I need to see if I can exchange the 2 males for 2 females. It's quite possible that she was the only female in that shipment! boohoo
I feel a little sad thinking about bringing them back, I've grown rather attached to them! What if I were to give my son one of the males and the female Gourami for his 20 gallon, would that be a good plan B?
Ha ha I know exactly what you mean :) why not give it a go then and see how things pan out.

IF it doesn't work out, will the lfs still take the male back?

Good luck on whatever you decide to do :D

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