Another guppy about to die

Thats hilarious 😂

I best go and get clove oil then, dreading doing this but hes suffering and looks uncomfortable
Unfortunately having clove oil in the cupboard is an essential thing to have with fishkeeping. For various reasons fish are sometimes not as strong genetically as they used to be and as a result they get sick quite easily. It is also more humane to end the suffering than try to bombard with medications in the hope that it will miraculously recover.

It isn't a nice thing to have to do....but sometimes you don't have any alternative.
The tetras seem very happy in there, they are shooting up and down in the bubble stream its quite amusing
Try your local pharmacy, it's an old fashioned cure for toothache, though how anyone could put it in their mouth is beyond me.

Because when bad toothache strikes, you'll try anything to subdue the pain even slightly.

I broke a tooth once, exposed nerve. The dentist managed to fit me in a couple of hours later, but even those hours I was in screaming agony. I used clove oil and it did help slightly. I would have happily taken a sledgehammer to the head to knock me out, I was that desperate. It really is the worst pain imaginable. like searing hot pain throughout your face, even breathing - air gliding over an exposed nerve is horrifying. I hope to never experience that again!

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