Another female suicide


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I've been having horrible luck lately.

Last week my female imbellis made a very unlucky leap out of the 1/2 wide space where the filter meets their tank, and last night, I found my perfect little steel blue DT female dried up on the floor! She was in an AQUAVIEW, with a teeny, TINY little hole at the top!!! I'm just amazed... I mean, HOW?! She had a betta pellet stuck to her side, so I assume it had been clinging to the inside edge of the hole and she jumped for it.
The really amazing thing is that she was still alive when I found her... she was dried out like betta jerky, but I put her back in the water and slowly her gills began to work and she actually swam to the surface for air. There was too much damage for her to last through the night, but she was a real fighter :(
RIP little one :sad:
She was going to be bred with Gilarion...
oh my gosh! i am so sorry to hear that, she was very pretty. :rip: :byebye: little gurl
Oh, synirr, that is horrible! She was such a pretty fish. She had a good life with you, though, I'm sure. Things can only get better.

My advice, buy craft canvas and tape it over every feasable hole in any of your lids.
Gyaaaaah I read about your poor imbellis girly! I'm so sorry! And to have a second one happen so soon... it's just plain horrible!

Up until now I didn't think females did the old "I have no will to live!" leap... God, now I have to cover my girls if I want to be able to sleep at night. I just lost one of my males to mysterydiseasenumber52 and I couldn't take another fishy death...

*hugs* I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl.
So sad. The holes are so very small in those tanks--I would never guess that a betta could get out that way.
How awful. I have Hunter and Vince in those Aquaviews right now. I'm going to find some mesh here at work to cover the holes when I leave for the night. I never thought they could make it out those tiny holes. I'm so sorry for both your girls. :byebye: :rip:

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