Another distemper question


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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I still got all these mixed answers about how long to wait, but most of them are less than what my vet said.

Ive herd that a 6 month old cat would be okay to get. But what about a 4 month old cat. I saw one that looks like Emma, except she grey, see

and I would love to get her, she also comes with her sister, and it says that the sister cries if they are seperated for to long, and that makes me melt, it makes me want the cute little things, but i dont want them to get sick and die, so I probably will wait to August 21, which the 8 week mark, though I dont think that that means that I can get a little kitten, still an older one,

what do yall say?
I say you get someone to keep the kitten(s) while they receive their sets of vaccines (which should be every 3 weeks) until a vet says it's ok for the kitten(s) to be around distemper.
I wouldn't really risk taking them home without vaccines but I don't know enough about feline distemper to tell you how long to wait till it's safe.
Although, the A-33 that I talked to you about before would help disinfect a house. It's a really strong disinfectant and it's not made for canine's for everything, including mange and any other diseases except ringworm. But even if it takes it away, I still wouldn't risk it.

That's a really cute kitten btw :nod:
If you give your house a good cleaning with bleach. That should rid your house of the germ. I know it works for parvo. That is just as deadly as distemper.
That is such a cute kitten, surely at 4 months the little cutie should have had its jabs already. If it has I would do a thorough cleaning job and then go for it. Check about the bleach thing, it's not about how deadly a disease is but how resistant to cleaning products. Also I doubt you'd want to use bleach on your sofa!! I'm no expert though by any means so do what you think is best.

You could probably afford to be less bothered by exactly what you use if the kittens have had their jabs.

Look at me, trying to talk you around, like that cute little face hasn't done that already!! Let us know what you decide but in summary:

To be safe : wait
Realisically : I wouldn't be able to resist!
I wasnt thinking about your sofa you could use some lysol spray for the things that couldnt stand the bleach..
isnt that a 33 a spray though?

Where would you buy it from?

The place actually has another set of kittens as well, that my mom likes more, but I knnda like this one better, as it looks like Emma, though there is this black kitten with just a white spot on its chest that is quite cute as well.

I think th eblack one is the cutest though
I think you can buy something from the vets. that is supposed to disenfect . Lysol is the best I have ever used. I dont see the harm in using some clorox spray on your sofa. I know they make something too I just cant remember what it is....But I think as long as you give you house a good cleaning and spray your stuff that you cant clean off you should be ok and get the kitty its shots you will be good to go with another one..Good luck with your new one when you get it..
would those sprays do anything to my cats? I know not top let them get near the stuff, but maybe if they smell the mist, or a spot isnt dryed all the way that we didnt see when we let them into the room.
No Lysol is used in many places with pets. I would put them outside or in another room while I used it if I was you. Mostly all you need to worry about is where the other kitty stayed at and had any contact with. Distemper is deadly to ferrets. And I have to take extreme caution when it comes to my babies. So I keep it on hand and I use it on a daily basis. And my cats do ok with it.
I emailed about the two in the link above. they were born on my birthday, and are almost 5 month old. I hope they still have them and that they are not to big. They are adorable, and Id love to have, but I dowbt they will still have them.

They lysol wont change the rug or couch colors will it?
I'm not too familiar with your situation but if you're worried about the cat getting canine distemper then you don't need to worry. Cats are not susceptible to canine distemper. Cat distemper or Panleukopenia virus is a different disease caused by a different virus.

If you want to clean up just in case, here's some of the information I've collected. Cats are sensitive to phenols and they can be harmful in the long term. Lysol and Pine Oil cleaners contain phenols and so it would probably wouldn't be a good idea to use them consistently around cats.

From what I've read, the cat distemper and canine distemper viruses are tough to kill with regular cleaners. You're probably best off using a diluted bleach mixture to disinfect areas where it might be present.

1:30 bleach-water solution would work well for surfaces but it might cause bleaching on carpet and cloth. I think there might be some clorox cleaning products on the market you could use for the carpet or perhaps a good hot steam cleaning would do the trick.

I'm also preparing to have a kitten join our household in 2 weeks so I've been reading up a lot on their needs. Hope this helps. :)

Edit: The kitten looks absolutely adorable! :wub:

its that panlukopedia stuff. I dont have dogs, as am I am not to fond of them
I was thinking that you could weaken it down some. I think it would be best if you use bleach it is the most common one used. I still stick by the bleach. I use the lysol and it dont hurt my cats any and I spray it daily and I have cats 13 years old.
I think you can buy A-33 from any store. Walmart would probably have it. It wont do anything to cats if you don't spray it on them. I would just let it dry off. We use it to clean the kennels at the clinic so it cant be harmful to pets to smell it. It's a disinfectant without chemicals that would not stain your sofa. We use it on towels and even on us when we touch an animal that has something like parvo or any other disease.

Edit: Just in case you didn't notice, I changed "would stain your sofa" to "would not stain your sofa" ;)

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