Another Betta who won't eat


New Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Hi--I'm new to this forum and new to keeping fish. We bought three bettas a week and a half ago. Two died within a day or two--they must have been sick when we got them. One of them had a fungus-like substance coming off his body even before he was dead. Anyway, the one survivor (who we've treated for ick) hasn't eaten since we got him until last night. I read somewhere about feeding bettas a pea once a week or so and thought I'd try it--I was/am desparate to get him to eat! Anyway, I gave him a skinned, chopped up pea and he gobbled it! Then tried the food--I have flake and the Hikari's pellets--and no go. Still won't eat today.

I've read other places in here about mosquito larvae and fruit flies, but I don't have any of those handy! Any other advice? How often can I feed him peas? Are their other fresh things like peas that they can eat?

I'm hoping that he wasn't eating because he was sick and now that he is better (treated one day past seeing the ick spots on him) he will start. What do you think? Any advice is appreciated.


P.S. We bought more bettas--from a different store!--and they are thriving. They eat like little pigs just like everyone said they would!
Hi--I'm new to this forum and new to keeping fish. We bought three bettas a week and a half ago. Two died within a day or two--they must have been sick when we got them. One of them had a fungus-like substance coming off his body even before he was dead
Yes thats because the temperature was too different and he recieved a great shock. Its quite common happend with my first betta too. :no: But its not ur fault. If you have probs feeding them why don't u try a bit of live food they help your shy ones to start eating ;)
Thanks, Kossy. What do you recommend in terms of live food? I've read about mosquito larvae, but don't have any. Do you think I should go get some live blood worms or something (he won't eat the dried ones). E
don't worry 2 much yet......if he ate a pea then he should go 4 other stuff......i've never fed my betta's live food......but that's cuz i haven't got any....and i don't really know what 2 get em either......but i can relate 2 u my first betta Citrus wouldn't eat a think.....except bloodworms but after a few weeks and a new tank she has taken to loving the hikari pellets..........i'd just give him time and a little live food(if someone else tell u what to give em) :thumbs:
What do you recommend in terms of live food? I've read about mosquito larvae, but don't have any. Do you think I should go get some live blood worms or something (he won't eat the dried ones). E

Yes blood worms will do fine I fed mine blood worms to start off with NOTE.... don't just feed him blood worms like you probably know if he gets hooked on a type of food he wont go for anything else. I for example fed my betta blood worm for 3 days and I had to take drastic measures to make sure he ate (along with the rest of my fish in that tank) other food. Therefore I had just force feed him (so to speak) other food. Due to my mistake none of my fish touch flakes. But They now eat community pack frozen food (contains everything they need). Also if you feed your female (if you have some) just blood worm they will eventually in the long run stop producing/hardly any eggs.

I feed my 10g tank... 1/2 a frozen cube morn ....serve of blood worm after school....1/2 frozen cube in the evening. ;)
Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions and moral support. Fred is now recovered from ick and after two long weeks, is eating with gusto! The peas seemed to have whetted his appetite and several days later he began to eat the betta food (pellets). I still feel thrilled every time I watch him grab the food! :)
First off...welcome to the wonderful world of Bettas. They're totally addictive. Like others have said, don't worry too much...your little guy will eventually eat. It is important to feed him a variety of different foods, particularly high in protein (they're actually carnivores, even if they do occasionally eat a pea if given it) and vitamins, etc. Variety is very healthy for them. They love bloodworms but they're high in fat and should be given sparingly as a treat (I've read some places where if that's all you feed them, they could develop health probems).

Another very important thing, fast them for one day a week. This helps clean out their digestive system and keeps them regular.

I personally feed my boys and little lady:
*HBH Betta Bites
*Freeze dried blood worms (Top Fin brand...but any kind will do)
*Hikari Betta Bio-Gold
*Hikari Bio-Pure Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp (mulit-vitamin enriched)
*Bio-Blend Betta Fish Food by Marineland (I just tried this for the first time today..wanted to see if they'd go for it. Fed it to the boys female is very tiny and the Bio-Blend as well as the Hikari Bio-Gold pellets are too large for her right now)
*Nutrafin Max Betta Food (this came with the betta kits I bought weeks ago and when I got my first betta, Solomon, he wouldn't touch the stuff cause it has flakes. I tried it again this week. Still doesn't like the flakes, but likes the blood worms included in it. Samson and Pinkie will eat the flakes if I crumble them some)

Ok...what can I say...I spoil my little brood. :*)

elf1b Posted on Sep 5 2003, 12:32 AM
...because he was sick and now that he is better (treated one day past seeing the ick spots on him) ...

It is very important that you keep treating him for ich for about a week after the white spots disappear. When the white spots disappear all it means is that the ich parasites have left the fish's body to fall down to the substrate to multiply tremendously and then swim back up to reinfect your fish. I can guarantee you he is not better...not yet. Now, during the parasites free swimming stage, is the best and only real effective time to treat ich. You're little guy will be just fine....just please continue to treat him because it's not over just yet.

Enjoy your bettas! :D
glad your little guy made it through safely :wub:

Try some frozen blood worms, hikari makes some that are fabulous (or so they appear....haven't tried them myself :lol: ... but the bettas seem to enjoy them & all give 2 fins up :lol: :p ), just defrost a small piece in some water and then give him 3 or 4 or 5,depending on his appetite. My bettas get hikari bio-gold each morning & then either bloodworms or live brine in the evening , some evenings they get nothing though.....only breakfast (I have to draw the line somewhere,sheeesh they're spoiled!)
Freeze dried stuff is for the birds and must be like eating cardboard :sick: , but if you do go with freeze dried,try soaking them in water for a minute or so to soften up so your little guy doesn't get a tummy ache
yeah...interestingly enough, the only thing in that laundry list of food my brood is picky about is the FD brine shrimp. Sometimes they eat it...other times they don't. Or they try to eat it it out multiple times...I may try soaking it first.

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