

Apr 4, 2007
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okay so my parents have decided to let my bother get an anole. will a male be okay ina 15 gallon long tank? also what are the requirements for one as we have only just decided to get one.
thanks. after some research and seeing some sites that said they are shy and not very comfortable around people, my brother has decided to get a baby bearded dragon. He is going to keep it in the 15 temporarily as he gets rid of all the fish in his 35. i will be taking his plants :hyper: any info ont hese guys will be greatly appreciated :good:
we are planning on getting a female which grow smaller around 16-20 inches right. would that fit in a 35 gallon tank? also we would have a screen lid, not glass. could i see some pics of your beardie?
I would suggest a leopard gecko. They are solitary, can be kept in a 15-20 gal, and are easier to care for then beardies (at least in my opinion) :)
i have always admired them but my parents said that they wouldnt get one from the wild. the beardie we are looking at is not from the wild but was born in cpativity. if there were home bred leopards however, that might be a different story. are there home-bred leopards?
alot of pet shops sell leopard geckos. Captive bred. not wild :) gorgeous little creatures. and i NEVER thought id say that about a lizard!!
i have always admired them but my parents said that they wouldnt get one from the wild. the beardie we are looking at is not from the wild but was born in cpativity. if there were home bred leopards however, that might be a different story. are there home-bred leopards?

Well, considering leopard geckos are native to Iran, Afghanistan, Western India and Pakistan...I doubt you would go all that way to get one from the wild lol

Leopard geckos are one of the most common kept reptile

Petco and reptile shops sell them. I would get one through a breeder though, not a reptile shop/Petco

Just go on yahoo and search "leopard gecko breeders"
even if i could get a home-bred one, my parents think that they would be boring (i know they arent) but i love them. if only my parents liked them.
Beardie is a great lizard, very friendly and keeps a good size. I do think however your tank is too small, IMO a 55 or a 75 is best. Feed often provide a heat lamp/hide he will be fine. Really easy to keep lizards. Leopards don't like handleing as much and are smaller. Plus, you can put a beardie on your shoulder and go for a walk around the park, They do great as captives. Get one gogo.
Leos are great because they don't require an expensive UVA/UVB setup. Plain old incandescent fish lighting will do. Anoles are often wild caught because they are hard to breed in captivity, bearded dragons require huge monstrous setups with all the UV stuff, but Leos will do good with a bowl of calcium, a couple of fish lights, and a 10 gallon tank. I've had anoles before and they tend to just drop like flies for no appearent reason, also they only live about as long as a betta. Leos live anywhere from 15 - 22 years. However, some leos like being held, while others don't. Just depends on the animal.

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