Annoying Water Run


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2010
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Does anyone else get an annoying water run down the side of their tank?

The first time I had this was when I was using a APS external filter and I had a fluval 4 plus and the water flow was flowing towards the right side of the tank to which the water trickles down then after re-homing a few of my fish I took out the fluval and the water run stopped. But now I changed to a different external filter which has a bit more of a flow and it has started again :crazy: and the water flow isn't even going towards that end of the tank.

Is there anything that can stop it?
How is it getting out? Is your water level too high? Do you mean like its causing waves to crash against the tank and trickle over? or is it evaporation?
How is it getting out? Is your water level too high? Do you mean like its causing waves to crash against the tank and trickle over? or is it evaporation?

The water level is fine there is about another 3" to 4" below the lid it just seems to drip from the wooden effect trimming which goes around the top of the tank, but when you take the lid off you can see the glass does go all the way to the top of the tank so it's not as if the water can get between the trimming and the tank. If it was evaporation wouldn't this be dripping in other places too?

I had the same thing happen in a previous tank I owned and it just doesn't look possible for any water to leak
I got the same issue with my tank...lowered the water level still no difference.
Have narrowed it down to condensation working it's way through some gaps in the trim.

Fixed by applying so Dr Zoggs surf wax along the affected area, all fixed now.

Probably not a recommended fix though!!
Try putting some silicon in the gap if you can, i had/have it on my rio 400 seemed to work in one are but its started on a different corner now
My Fluval Roma 90 used to do this, it'll drip from the top left corner.
My Guess was condensation, i lowered the water level for a few month and now the water level is back to normal and the dripping has stopped!

Must of got water under the little trim and the condensation was building it up!
Thanks for all replies I shall have to give these ago
Looks like you got some great tips from these guys :) Id go with that too be honest :D Sounds like condensation or something :good: But i would have thought it would be all over the lid if it was.
My Fluval Roma 200 had this issue. I used 3 tubes of fish silicone to reseal the top of mine. I sealed the inside edge as the condensation would sit on top of the glass then run down the back and 2 sides. I had a old tank which i moved everything into while i done this tho.
i've heard of a lot of roma tanks with this problem, i had a bubble filter in one of my tanks the water used to leak out and as soon as i stopped using it it was fine.

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