Animals Being Skinned Alive

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Fish Herder
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
UK, Manchester, M34
If you love your pets (dogs, cats) basically any furred animal then you really need to go to this site and sign the petition, I couldn't watch the video because "it was sickening" those are my husbands terms and it takes a bit to make him squeemish.

Basically the facts are 2,000,000 cats and dogs are skinned alive for the fur trade by the Chinese, why because they say that the skin comes off easier and it is cheaper !!!

Check out the site and please please sign the petition to stop the fur trade.

Animal Saviours
Oh my, that made me cry and I didn't even watch the vid, just read what they had to say about what China is doing :( DISGUSTING!!!

I signed xxx
Signed :), sickening video, could only watch 20 secs and found tears running down my face.. sick people in a sick sick world. how can this be legal in the first place?
Sounds stupide. But can the animals still live after being skinned. Probably not but just asking...
No the animals are left to die from blood loss or shock. I doubt any animal would ever survive this sort of treatment without medical assistance and even then it would be touch and go.
i agree its wrong but how can you expect a country such as china to stop a trade like this whilst they cant sort out their human rights abuses its disheartening but ive put my name down and hope it stops
scot :)
Little steps mate, but if we don't start somewhere and just sit back and do nothing how are we ever going to change anything.

Thanks for all those who have signed up :drinks:
Send that link to any and every newspaper and news site that you can think of.
thats horrible! ive already signed and got aload of my family to...i couldnt keep watching the video :( its so awefull!
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