Team TetraTEC
I'm going to return them to the store. I woke up and 2 of my neon tetras had their tails nipped off!!!! My poor babies. My only balloon sailfin Molly is starting to show aggression as well. Sadly, he will be going back. I will only be adding NEON tetras, platies and guppies. I'm incredibly upset the LFS wrote "tropical community fish" as a label, as this is why I purchased them. This individual LFS gave my fish from other stores already in the tank ich! Now I have to treat that!!!! I'm so frustrated. I'm ready to give up being a fish owner
...and you think returning fish that could have ich is a good idea so they pass it onto fish in the store, they wont be happy with you......? Sounds like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place.