Angle Fish


New Member
Aug 19, 2005
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Hey Everyone,

My husband has agreed that I can have the aquarium of my dreams for my birthday! Yeah! It will be a 60 gallon bowfront aquarium that comes with it's own stand and hood. I'm going to get an undergravel filter along with a biowheel.
I'll use a black substrate, with natural wood and plants, with one of those neat little bubble wands along the back to make a "curtain" of bubbles.

Anyway, my question is....I was wondering if I could use an anglefish or two in my community tank?
I would like to have some:
rummynose tetras
a couple of killifish
4 dwarf gouramis
some sort of cory cats to live along the bottom.

I read on a website (compatibility chart) that anglefish would get along with all these fish, but in other places, I've read that angle fish would eat all these other fish once they reached maturity. Which is correct?

I'd rather know, sooner rather than later! :eek:
all I/m going to do is list what i have with my angels.
it is up to you to decide wether it is right or wrong for your situation.
All nmes are the scientific name (use google for common names)

62 gall heavily planted tank 3 angels Pterophyllum scalare with
8 rasbora vaterifloris, 1x Barbus titteya, 2x Barbus tetrazona, 6x Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae, 8x Hemigrammus caudovittatus, 9x Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi, 7x Hemigrammus bleheri, 6x Petitella georgiae, 17x Hemigrammus erythrozonus, 8x Paracheirodon axelrodi, 30x Paracheirodon innesi (including 9 Lutino, 6 gold, 6 diamondhead), 1x Corydoras melini, 3x Corydoras aeneus(albino), 2x Corydoras adolfoi, 2x Brochis splendens, 1 x L002. 2x Atyopsis moluccensis.
I have 4 angels in with 10 black phantom tetras, 5 corys and some siamese (not chinese, very important) algae eaters. They all do great together.
That would be a beautiful Tank to keep angels in! However, be wary of the Rummy Nose Tetras. Once the Angels reach adult size, they may pick off the Rummy Noses. MAY, not always do they do this.
In my opinion I have never had any problem keeping angle fish with smaller tetras. I currently have one tank with 6 angle fish (4 white, 1 black and 1 black marble) The 2 black ones are between 4 and 5 inches in size. They are kept with 10 cardinal tetras, 2 rams, 3 clown loaches, 5 harliquins, 2 plecs(small) and 2 corys a sterbi and a julli(not sure about spelling sorry!)

In my other tank I have 3 angle fish a single rummy nose 3 black widow tetras, 4 scissor tails a clown loach, a plec, a redtail black shark, and 2 corys and 10 cardinals.

Both tanks have been running for between 1 and 3 years all planted with lots of wood. I have never encountered my angels bothering anyone but other angles when they are breeding. I do feed a varied diet including live food.

Dont get me wrong if you introduce very small tetras in to a tank with well established angles then they may consider them food.

Perhaps you may wish to consider the order you add your fish.

Good luck

maybe put a group of angels. like 4 or so. theyre really pretty fish and they are very gracious. or you gcould put some kissing gouramis or silver dollars with them. thats what i was told would go well with angels.


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