Angels with Neons


New Member
May 4, 2004
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north west uk
:no: i have only had my tank for a couple of weeks and is still cylcling,
my LFS has been giving me some advice, at first i put 6 neons in and 2 weeks later (yesterday) i asked if i could put some Angel fish in, Not knowing what i now know.
I belive they eat them! why didnt my LFS tell me this when i asked if i could put them in?

My neons are average size and my angels are 3-4". Any suggestions on what i should do, or is it just a case of my neons being part of the angels diet and ill have to get something else.

Any suggestion on what other fish i can keep with Angels?
they would get along fine until one day when the full grown angel gets in the mood then... :shifty: I have had neons in my tank with angels for years but every so often... snap :eek: .you only have about a 24 gallon tank and that is barely big enough for 2 full grown angels and anything else. Do you know how high this tank is because the generally accepted limit for aquarium hieght for angels is 18". If it is not that high it may be a good idea to take the angels back to the lfs. HTH :)
i'v had them together and nothing has ever happened, and my angel is quite large, neons are quite small, but i guess my tank has a heap of places to hide...
Malt_Vinegar said:
Neons + angels = Oldest mistake in the book!'

It really does not work, EVER :(
my angels never touched any small tetra, EVER. :lol:

i have heard that angels have eaten newly introduced tetras, because they associate the hood opening with being fed, and when you open the hood to put in the tetras they assume that they are food and, naturally eat them the first chance they get.
This is one of those fishy things. Some Angels with more of a predatory instinct will eat small 'torpedo' shaped Tetras whenever they see them, mine were the same. But some Angels that have nearly lost that predatory instinct through captivity often ingnore these small Tetras and happily live with them. Feeding is also sometimes an issue, if the Angel dosen't think it is getting enough food it may turn to a source of prey.

If you value your Tetras it is always best not to risk them with Angels, good companions like 'rounder' Tetras are good. Examples are:

Black Phantom Tetra
Congo Tetra
Black Widow Tetra...............

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