Angels Torn Up Fins


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2010
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Well two weekends ago I came home to find my filter had decided to stop working :crazy: It has been a week and a half since then and now two of my angels have tears on multiple fins. The other two seem ok for the moment. Also I had just checked ammonia yesterday (noticed all this today) and it was at 0. I think its probally time for a water change but the water isn't gross, visually seems normal. Like I said ammonia is 0, but haven't checked the other stats yet. My angels have started chasing each other again..but its every so often, and thats been going on the the past month? Half the time they are chill and maybe a couple of times a day they decided to chase but then its over. I did use tap water (with water conditioner of course) for the last change, instead of their usual spring water I buy. Could this be the culprit?

Any thoughts would really help. I don't have a hospital tank and can't get one. I don't really want to treat the water for finrot or w.e, for fear of losing bacteria

help :(
it sounds like you need to be doing more regular water changes and not just when its "gross"

angels are cichlids which means they will squabble especially if 2 are pairing up.

plenty of fresh water will heal the torn fins.
I think I miss phrased

I don't let my water get gross. I usually change it every week and occasionally every 2 weeks, always about 25%. I was just trying to state that the params looked normal and that the water looks physically normal (i.e not gross or anything). I really don't know why their fins are randomly splitting...=(

But I guess its good to know that more water changes will help the situation, thanks =)
But I guess its good to know that more water changes will help the situation, thanks =)

My angel had a dorsel fin that was literally split in two.....after just 3 days and 1 30% water change, it was completely healed.
is there any discolouring or whitening around the edges of the fins where the tears appear ?
yes and no. One of the fish with the fin issue has a very light tinge of red and a lot of black on the ends of his fins (I think the the black is his natural coloring though). They are both healing though after a 25% water change, so :good: . I am confused about a different matter with them though

As stated before I think, I have 4 angels. 3 were junvilles, and one that was already "mature". Now all are a decent size but gave no indecation of pairing up :angry: now however I'm having aggression issues with my black one. He will leave my big one completely alone, but chase my striped one mercilessly. He'll stop for a bit, see him, they both flare up, and then he pecks and chases. He does this with my yellow one too but "she" (don't know genders of any) won't run away. She just sits there as he pecks her under the mouth, around the gills. Then he won't really touch her or the other one for a long while and swims with them, but will again go and chase the striped one. Wth is going on? They have never acted like this...except when they were first added, but the aggression went away with moving the ornaments around and stopped completely. I've tried rearranging things the past 2 weeks to elliminate territories but its not working like it in the past. Are they all sexually mature now and thats why they are fighting? Are they trying to pair up? I have no idea what cichlids do when they are trying to pair up. I also don't know if this is just a dominance thing because he seems to be fine with the other two for the most part, is the other one a male and he's trying to isolate him? No clue and I'm getting worried because although there is no wounds as of yet, I don't want anything happening

Any help would really be appreciated :/ thanks

Update:: I'm 90% sure my angel that is just sitting there while getting pecked :huh: has a female breeding tube. The other two seem to have something there..but not really sure

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