Angels and corals


New Member
May 11, 2004
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I have a 90 gallon that I plan to set up a with some corals, but more fish than a regular reef setup. I plan on putting in an angel, one that will get large. I have places to relocate the angel when it gets too large. What are some large angels that have less probability of picking at my corals? I know all angels are unpredictable as far as this goes, but just looking for suggestions.
with the exception of the scarlet beauty and flame angel, I am not a angel fan.

I am sure someone else will chime in.

I would also say what GL said but your still going to take a chance with any angel fish. I do like angel fish but i would naver put one in a reef tank. I plan on doing another saltwater tank with no coral so i can keep some angels and a few other non reef fish.

Good luck
Only the small ones are considered reef safe. Like the Pygmy (Cherub) Angel. I believe all the larger ones are not reef safe.
With any angel you are realy taking a risk of puting them in a reef tank. All Angels can nip at corals the only luck i have had with them in a reef tank has been a flame angel. I had 2 the one i had to move cause he was niping at the coral i think it mainly depends on the angels itself but i wouldnt put the bigger ones in there. You could try dwarf angels but still watch out for any signs of them nipping you coral.

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