

New Member
May 15, 2004
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I was wondering what type of fish go well with far i have 2 marble angelfsh and one black moore, in a 20 gallon tank, they are only small yet and we plan on getting a 50 gallon tank soon.....but want to know what other kinds of fish to fill it with preferably colorful ones....thanx :D Also wondering what's better to use sand or gravel, and what type of environment they prefer.
:hi: to the forum!
Your angelfish sound wonderful! There are some larger schooling tetra and others that would be wonderful with them. The rummynose are a favorite of mine and would look wonderful. The phatom tetra are also beautiful but may be a little too like the shape you already have in the angel fish and so not really stick out.
Your black moor is another thing altogether as he is a coldwater fish and really dosen't belong with the angels - a ten gal all his own would be the perfect fix for this and he wouldn't need a heater but a filter would be a must as they tend to be high waste fish.
Hope I was helpful.

Many of the schooling fish look nice with angels such as Cardinal tetras and harlequin rasboras. Also livebearers such as platies, swordtails and mollies go well with angels and as i am sure there will be many other combinations thrown at you, but my favorite with angels is .... dare i say it :shifty: ... Neon tetras :eek: . There is a running conversation on the forum about whether neons are good tank mates for Angels. I guess we know what side of the fence i have fallen on :p Anyway have fun with it and i really thinkd a couple of different schooling fish about 10-12 of each will go good with the angels. Also i dont think keeping the black moor with the angels is a great idea as the high end of the temp scale for the black moor is around the very bottom of the temp scale for the angels. HTH :)
i also have a male betta fish would he be okay with the moore or would that be a major no the betta are agressive. The betta is currently on his own in a mini size tank. I have been told that angels attack bettas, is this true? Or would they be okay together?
Betta and black moor is not good either same reason. Some betta/angel fish relationships are OK and others are not. Dont know why. With the betta i would be more worried about the smaller fish nipping his fins. HTH :)

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