
Serpent 950R

New Member
Jan 27, 2007
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hi, my angel fish are laying eggs every 3 to 4 weeks in a community tank.

They have just spawned again today and with each spawn they seem to be getting more aggressive to the other fish.
Is laying eggs every 3 - 4 weeks the norm for angel fish and how bad is the aggression likely to get?
3 to 4 weeks is a pretty big stretch, they usually spawn every 10 to 14 days. They can get pretty aggressive, they will kill tankmates they see as a threat. Removing the eggs is an easy solution. The aggression usually subsides shortly after.
Thanks for the quick reply.

The parents usually defend the eggs / fry for about 7 -8 days, before they are all eaten.
No other fish have been killed yet, but if the aggression gets to bad i will remove the eggs / fry as you suggested.
thanks for the help.
My Angelfish are also doing something similar. They have laid 3 lots of eggs in the last month. They guard them for a couple of days but they have all ended up getting eaten. I am not sure if its the Angelfish eating them or the other fish in my tank.

As regards agression, they are only really show it towards eachother. If a guppy gets brave and gets a bit close to the eggs they do chase it away but they don't attack them at all.


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