Angelfish Tankmates?


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2005
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I have a 75-gallon tank with angelfish, and I would like to know what could go peacefully with angelfish, and which fish would not bother or pick at the angelfish or their fins.

Any suggestions?
I have some colorful platy's,golden puffer,chinese algea eater.You could use more I'm sure,but it is colorful and peaceful.Forgot also two black skirts.
i'd leave the puffers out ,

mainly get something to small to be eaten , they can be pretty aggresive expecially if spawning so get something fast i guess that can keep out of the way. most bigger ciclids can be too rough for the angels.
Thanks, these are all good ideas :D

I'm actually mostly looking for good smaller fish (not other cichlids).
I love guppies and mollies, but I'm always afraid that they may pick at the angelfish, since they have long-ish fins.
Schooling fish would look nice too, but I wish there were some colorful schooling fish (not neon tetras or cardinal tetras, even though i love them, I dont wanna risk the chance of Neon Tetra Disease)
rummy-nose tetras, glowlights or Columbian tetras. Corydoras. All these can go with angels
I have Angels with Otos, Cherry barbs, Common Bristlenose, Clown loaches, Riffle Shrimp, Peppermint Bristlenose, Redtail shark & Cories. All get along no probs
personally I like rummynose tetras as a schooling fish...I think that the angelfish would be the ones picking at the guppies fins so you might wanna stay away from them. Maybe some hatchet fish for the upper area of the tank then a larger tetra species for a school

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