Angelfish Tank Mates


Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2012
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Vancouver bc
Hello, I have an 50 gallon planted tank and I am wondering what can go into this tank with a pair of snakeskin guppies (so the angelfish can hunt down and enjoy the babies) and 2 Pygmy Cory's (I'm going to get 4 more as soon as I find some) and I'm going to get 4 angelfish, I am wondering what are some good tank mates. I am not an inexperienced fishkeeper as I own eight fish tanks. So what do you think? I have a spare tank at the moment so if the angels get too aggressive then I'll temporary put it in there. Answers appreciated!
Cardinal tetras, hatchetfish, apistogrammas and other dwarf cichlids, pencilfish, neons, pearl gouramis or dwarf gouramis, some danios, other small catfish, some oddballs, I could keep going. Are you looking at doing a biotope, a community or a theme tank?
I was going for a show tank in my living room and just looking for some interesting fish
P.S. I thought angels would eat neon tetras
Are cherry barbs ok? And is it bad to only have one in a tank
Yah I know that most barbs and tertras are a schooling fish
I don't really like cherry barbs that much they are kinda bland to me
I made this topic just to see some ideas and thanks for yours already!
I love neon tetras, but wouldn't the angels eat them?
I have Keyhole Cichlids, Bolivian Rams, Rummynose Tetra, YoYo Loachs and a Bristlenose in with my Angel Fish.

I would recommend Keyholes, so peaceful and by far the best fish I have had for personality! :good:
The only discus I have ever seen for real were in this espensive, high end, and FAR away store sooooooo, no discus
Instead I got 1 cockatoo cichlid and 1 powder gourami and they seem to be coexcisting.
I might be able to upgrade soon and was wondering? What is a good size for a planted tank?
I don't mean gallons I mean like, long, tall, or wide. What's your advice?
The only discus I have ever seen for real were in this espensive, high end, and FAR away store sooooooo, no discus
Instead I got 1 cockatoo cichlid and 1 powder gourami and they seem to be coexcisting.
I might be able to upgrade soon and was wondering? What is a good size for a planted tank?
I don't mean gallons I mean like, long, tall, or wide. What's your advice?
Angelfish will like a tank at least 18 inches tall, but with any fish length is the most important aspect. So you'll want a tank with reasonable dimensions, nothing that's long and flat or tall and squat.

I'd try to get more cockatoo cichlids as all dwarf cichlids are very social with each other, even though they're not schooling fish. Apistogramma species like to be kept at a 1 male:2 female ratio.
I have Keyhole Cichlids, Bolivian Rams, Rummynose Tetra, YoYo Loachs and a Bristlenose in with my Angel Fish.

I would recommend Keyholes, so peaceful and by far the best fish I have had for personality! :good:

+1. Keyholes are well underrated, can't wait to get myself some more one day.
It really depends on the particular angelfish. Ive heard some will like tankmates, others will be aggressive. But from experience, I have a 47g community with 3 angelfish, 10 lampeye tetras, 10 cherry barbs, 7 albino cories, 3 skunk cories, 5 kuhlis loaches, a pair of boivian rams, 2 albino bns and temporarily a betta. I seem to have some docile angels as even the betta gets along and I have had no problems with my setup (even if i am a little overstocked )

Basically, I am thinking that any shoaling fish (minus tiger barbs or other aggressive shoalers) that is too big to be eaten by an angelfish is pretty safe in your tank.

Neons will be eaten by a full grown angel
fuller bodied tetras like colombian, rosy, bleeding heart etc are a great choice as dithers for an angel tank. as angels get bigger they may try and eat more slim torpedo bodied fish such as neons but if you can get larger species with this shape body such as cardinals or emperor tetras they should be safe enough.

the thing with adding barbs is getting the temperature set right to accomodate them as many do prefer cooler temps than the angels. many people do keep barbs at higher temps so its not a major issue just something to think about.

i currently have a 60x24x18 with 8 leopoldi angels, 4 peru angels, 25 cardinal tetra, 13 rosy tetra, 7 bolivian rams, 2 L200, 1 L128, 1 L309 which gives a great mix of colour and variation in species. all the fish are still quite a young age and i will thin the numbers out as they grow but for now everything gets on fine. its a very busy tank due to the number of fish but i think this adds to the calmness in a strange kind of way. im also pretty sure this is the reason that all my plecos are constantly out and about and rarely hidden away.

the choice is endless with angels really but just remeber that when angels grow they do get big and a general term in fish keeping is that no matter what fish you keep if it can fit a tank mate in its mouth then it may do just that......

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