Angelfish + Reef = ?


Professor Beaker
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
So, ever since I first saw one on a reef in the Florida Keys, I've always wanted a tank with a Queen Angel in it. Early on in the planning stages of my 45gal I realized that it just wasn't enough tank for such a large fish (pretty much expected that from seeing 16"+ fish in the wild). I've come to discover that most Angels require tanks upwards of 75-100gal and I've also read conflicting reports about their "reef-worthyness". Ultimately I want a reef tank with some polyps, corals, and inverts so compatability with those is important to me. I guess, with all that said, in your experiences, are there any species of Angel that would both fit my tank and be reef-safe?
Dwarf Angels (Centropyge) are commonly kept in home aquariums. They don't grow too huge and are mostly pretty reef safe (very dependent on the individual fish although some species are lees reef safe than others). They come in stunning varieties and you could keep maybe two in a 45g.

You'll find an abundance of information on them by clicking here

Most other types of angels are going to be a little too big for a 45g IMO
45 gallons wont supoprt a large angel of course but many dwarf angels and pygmy angels will live happily in this volume. Basically there is no gaurentee with angels.. Some will pick whilst others will leave corals alone completely. Even angels that hve never touched corals will find that another hobbiest wil have the same angel and it is a terror with their corals.

There is a list however of angels that are more likely to be a problem in a reef tank...

Lemonpeel angels Heraldi angels and sometimes potters angels are known coral pickers. But to be honest its a pot luck chance.

I have a cream angel in the nano tank and its a model citizen.. I have a blueface in the large reef and it also has been well behaved.
so they've got personality huh? well, I guess I'll try and buy locally then and see if I cant observe them at the LFS over a period of time to see what their temperment is like. I've got enough of an "in" with the owners of two stores for them to allow me to return the fish for store credit if they turn out to be nasty with corals. maybe that'll be the route to go down the road
From experience i have found coral beauties to be very well behaved.
I've said it before and i'll say it agan no doubt :D ............................

When looking for a Dwarf Angel there's a few easy steps to follow to ensure a good choice of fish (hopefully):
  • Appearance - As with any fish check for visible signs of damage or illness
  • Behaviour - Gently place your finger on the tank glass, the fish should dart away in fright but slowly start to get inquisitive before coming up to the glass and following your finger
  • Feeding - As with any fish ask if some food can be placed in the tank, the fish should eat readily
You hit the nail on the head when you said they've got personality, these fish are usually the ones spoiling your close-up photos of your corals as they try find out what's going on :lol:


Had the same problem

Well, your making a great choice getting dwarfs. Wise word, I have seen a few so called reef safe angels pick at stony and soft corals.

If your looking for an angel with a funny character, get a bicolor. However, it seems bicolors have a knack for getting eye cloud at the lfs.
I was under the impression that when the so called reef safe angelswould pick at stony and soft corals, they were eating tha algea off them? I read it somewhere TFH I think.
A good reef safe angel is the Watanabae, as this doesnt live among hte reefs as its a deepre water fish. Therefore it doesnt see corals as potential food. They are as close to 100% reef safe as your gonna get. Expensive though! :rolleyes:
Here is a phot of my old Female. I have a photo of the male somewhere. Gorgeous fish but they are pricey and prone to swim bladder problems (which is what my male died from).

Pity indeed. I'd love to have a fish cared for by a good owner :X
Anyone know how bad the emporer angel would be? I am not doing corals for a while to let the tank mature but I would love to have a emporer angel they are just amazing. This is a 150 gallon that is going to be fish only for about a year.

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