Angelfish is not feeling well...

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Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Bergenfield, NJ, USA

I have an angelfish that was swimming around and eating normally untill 2 days ago. Now, he is always hidding in a corner toward the surface.
When he come out, my pink tetras and blackskirt tetras start teasing him (nibbling his fins). He has no appetite whatsoever.

What can I do?

Some things I read include keeping the temperature at 80.
Put salts, give the fish blood worms, do additional water tests?

Should I get rid of my tetra's if they are picking at him??? They didn't do that before.



Some background info:
20 gallon tank was set up on June 30.
NH3-NH4 levels today is 0
pH level is 8
contents of tank see signature.
Does the angel always stay in the corner now? If so then it is stressed for some reason. Is there any indication of disease? Angels often do this when sick. Also do you have plants in the tank as the angelfish do like to have plants around asaplace to seek refuge and to poke at for food. Keep us posted :)
Sorry to post again but i find with angelfish that water changes often help. They respond very well to the addition of clean water. So up the water changes for a few days. :)
OK. I went to the lfs and they tested my water. I was told the water was bad (due to the cycling) and that I needed to do frequent water changes.
I wonder why they are selling test kits for NH3-NH4 and pH if you still have to go to the store for additional tests...

In the meantime, my tetra's are picking on my angel.
I was told in the store that I had to get rid of either the angel or the tetra's or the tetra's would eventually tear down my angel...

I don't really know what to do right now...

Nope, I don't have a QT tank. I'm just starting out here...

I think my fish is dying now. He was just laying on his side hanging in a plant. Now, he's hanging in there with his nose up.

Should I do something?

Do some medium sized water changes every day for a couple days. I had one rainbowfish nipping my angel. Back to the store he went. The fin nipper that is. While this was going on my angel was very stressed, and hid in the corner attacking her reflection. Now that the rainbow is gone she is back to being herself again.It was an easy choice for me cuz iv had my angel 4 years, and the rainbow was brand new.
i know this is no help at the moment but i would say the angel must go back...the tank is too small anyway.


sooner rather than later too. they just arnt hardy enough to withstand the toxins in a cycling tank.

do you now understand about cycling? if not do a search on here (or other sites) and look into it... you really need to understand what these fish and going to go through.

you lfs seems crap too. never believe everything you hear in a lfs,,,most dont have a clue, as hard as that is to believe

for now,,do as has already been said...daily 20% water changes with dechlorinated water.
To finish the story.
My angelfish died. I went to the lfs with a sample of water. They told me the water is not good because of the cycling.

I will continue the waterchanges for my other fishes.

So from your previous posts, I understand a 20 gallon tank is too small for an angel fish?

What frustrates me is the kind of tests they are selling for fish tanks. I got two test kits (pH and NH3/NH4) and I thought I was fine with these.
Seems like I need a more comprehensive kit...

Yes you will need to have at least the ammonia, nitrITE and nitrATE test kits and PH. The others that are used by some are GH (general hardness - is your water soft or hard) and KH (Carbonate Hardness - how well does your water keep the PH stable). You already have the ammonia and PH kits so the only ones you really need, unless you are getting into breeding or speciallized fish, are the nitrite and nitrate kits. HTH :)

EDIT: you should have a tank that is at least 18" tall and has about 10 gallons af water per angelfish over and above the water required for yoour other fish. :)

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