Angelfish Died =( Please Help Identify The Disease/problem


New Member
May 18, 2012
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One of my Angelfish died =(. When I found it dead, I noticed that it had an area on its body that was white. Wasn't a fuzzy patch at all, just flat white scales kinda? Worried about the other fish... some fish are showing blood near the back of the dorsal fin..

Tank size: 473 L (125 gallon)
pH: 7.0
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
kH: 130
gH: 75
tank temp: 77-78

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
The community all has the same behavior as before. They all act healthy but some are starting to show bad signs. The two female gourami seem to go through periods of being bloated with bulging bellies. A few of the angelfish have a little white patch on them that looks just like a mini version of what was on the dead angelfish. One of the gourami has a blood dot at the base of the back of her dorsal fin. Some of the other angels have pinkish/red in this area too.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
Once a week, always a little over half of the water.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
I only use neutral regulator by seachem for water changes to remove chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, and maintain proper ph.

Tank inhabitants:
11 Angelfish (planned to let pair and rehome the more aggressive, but none seem to be pairing)
2 gourami (gold and opaline)
12 Angelicus botia (polka dot loach)
6 black kuhli loaches
2 bristlenose plecos
1 featherfin catfish

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
6 black kuhli loaches are pretty new. Bought them a few weeks ago.

Exposure to chemicals:
None except the neutral regulator

Digital photo (include if possible):
Does it look like ich to you? Google "fish ich disease" and let me know.

Another thing is that some of the angels may be fighting. When angels get nipped at, their scales can peel off (hence the white patches) and this weakens their immune systems. I had to get rid of a dalmation molly because it was injuring my angelfish in this way.
Does it look like ich to you? Google "fish ich disease" and let me know.

Another thing is that some of the angels may be fighting. When angels get nipped at, their scales can peel off (hence the white patches) and this weakens their immune systems. I had to get rid of a dalmation molly because it was injuring my angelfish in this way.

You were right about the scales peeling off! just what it looked like!

I have had ich in the past with a different tank and this certainly wasnt ich. I was really worried so I watched all of them yesterday and noticed only the angelfish really seemed injured. All the other fish minded their own business and never nip or anything. One of the angels, the bully, was sometimes attacking other fish. Most of all my problems just seemed like injuries the more I studied them and looked closer.
I noticed I had 4 very calm angels that seem so much nicer than the rest. Two of my marbles have always been a pair. The only 2 koi angelfish I have seem to be a pair as well, they act very similar to the other pair and I love the non-aggressive behavior. I rehomed 7 angelfish this morning for a beautiful giant Anubis and some store credit.
My two "pairs" seems to be doing so much better! They all get along and I havent seen any nipping AT ALL!?! Very happy with my decision!

Guy at the lfs was trying to talk me into a smaller tight schooling species (not small enough for a featherfin catfish snack, of course). I think that would look so lovely!!
But would I even have enough room? Jeeze, that's a whole other topic! haha
I am a little concerned about the fact that you list 0 for nitrate....It seems to me that your tank is not cycled.
One of my Angelfish died =(. When I found it dead, I noticed that it had an area on its body that was white. Wasn't a fuzzy patch at all, just flat white scales kinda? Worried about the other fish... some fish are showing blood near the back of the dorsal fin..

Tank size: 473 L (125 gallon)
pH: 7.0
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
kH: 130
gH: 75
tank temp: 77-78

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
The community all has the same behavior as before. They all act healthy but some are starting to show bad signs. The two female gourami seem to go through periods of being bloated with bulging bellies. A few of the angelfish have a little white patch on them that looks just like a mini version of what was on the dead angelfish. One of the gourami has a blood dot at the base of the back of her dorsal fin. Some of the other angels have pinkish/red in this area too.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
Once a week, always a little over half of the water.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
I only use neutral regulator by seachem for water changes to remove chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, and maintain proper ph.

Tank inhabitants:
11 Angelfish (planned to let pair and rehome the more aggressive, but none seem to be pairing)
2 gourami (gold and opaline)
12 Angelicus botia (polka dot loach)
6 black kuhli loaches
2 bristlenose plecos
1 featherfin catfish

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
6 black kuhli loaches are pretty new. Bought them a few weeks ago.

Exposure to chemicals:
None except the neutral regulator

Digital photo (include if possible):
may i ask how you manage to keep your nitrates at 0?

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