Angelfish Compatible?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2011
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Hey guys, i have a 20 gallon tank stocked with just a few guppies, platys, 2 dwarf gouramis and 1 female opaline gourami. I really want an angelfish do you think it would be possible to have one. It is well planted with lots of hiding spots.

Angelfish need a talk tank because of their tall fins. Unless its a 20g tall, i wouldn't recommend and angelfish for it.
I persoanlly wouldn't do it. Angels can get up to 6 inches from top to bottom. It could potentially deform the fins.
And it will eat the guppies and probably the platys
the guppies and platies will be safe with angels that not the concern here. as DM stated a taller tank is needed for angels as they will get very tall fiah due to their fin shape.

i personally have always found gouramis to be quite nippy fish and angels are a bit of a big target for any fish with a bit of attitude. i know of people that keep the 2 together but my experience keeps me away from having the angel and gourami together.

also your opaline gourami will get to quite a big size and a 20g may be pushing it in time

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