Angelfish Care

From what I read in a fish magazine where I work, neons are part of an angelfish's natural diet in the wild...
They are a natural prey but people have sucsessfully kept them together but like I say I wouldnt recommend taking the risk as the odds are stacked against it working.
I keep angelfish and I think they are an easy-keeper..... I don't see how they could be as difficult as you are portraying them to be...... :huh: But that is your opinion.... Only thing I normaly have to worry about is temperature and water "upsets".... Those are normaly rare but when they do happen it can be some what stressful....

I'm not portraying them as difficult to care for, I wouldn't know since I have never had my own. I'm goin by what others tell me. I am aware of proper care requirements for angels, which all in all are just as easy as any other common aquarium fish, its the fact that the majority of people in my area who fail are the ones who don't understand proper fish care for any species let alone angels. I was merely speculating that since the water in my area is pretty much the exact opposite of that of which is found in the natural habitat of the angels, that this fact may contribute to the stress of angels in a tank with poor conditions.
Do you know the pH of your tapwater? If so as long as it is below 8.0 and some where around 6.5-7.2 you would not really have much of a problem at all.... In fact I currently am keeping a wild angelfish in a tank with a pH of 7.0 which I know is intermediate.... I would try using Amazon Rain if you really do think the water is what is doing your angelfish in... Amazon Rain has nutrients and other nice little things in it that makes water close to what they are use to.... Discus people around here use that stuff all the time... And since you might know that Discus are in the same area as where angelfish are found that they have pretty much the same water types.... Allllll though the Amazon has many diffrent kinds of water such as Black, White, and ummmmm can't remember the other one sorry :look: ..... I think domesitc angelfish would tolorate just about any water ph condition you throw at them as long as you make sure it is a slow change from the pet store water to your tap/tank water..... Does your LFS have a RO unit??? If not than you might be using the same tap water they use on their fish.....


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