angelfish are dieing Help!!

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would that harm the fish after 3 days of being in the water? The other 5 fish seem fine.
It is just a suggestion of what is happening, maybe is my answer. I would like to see your tank with more plant, between 30-50% of the volume of the tank in plant. Give these guys lots of places they can hide. Also change 25% of your water weekly.
I am so sorry to hear about you losing your wonderful angel fish, I love mine and it would hurt to lose them.

Ok here is what I see wrong, but what I say is debatable, I only know what works for me.

1. Water changes more than 10% at least 50% and more often if you are having problems like this.

2. Live plants you really need the tank almost stuffed with live plants for Angels to feel comfortable.

3. HOB is not adequate for a large tanks, with fish as large as Angels and six of them with more stock, you need a good canister filter.

4. Sounds like you added six Angel fish in one day only two days ago, you should have started with only two and added more slowly. Watch them for awhile to see if there are any problems, before adding more.

5. Zero nitrates I am not saying it is impossible but as a norm no, you should always read some nitrates even after a water change. You just added six angel fish two days ago, that is an increase in the bio-load and really big increase all at once. So you should see nitrates if you bio-media is handling the bio-load.

6. Adding Malifix, never be quick to medicate, but I am not sure if API Malifix really does much anyway. Even so if your fish are sick from poor water conditions then medicating will only stress them out more.

Another point to make, a 55 gallon tank can be ok for angel fish but not six of them that is too much in that size tank. Reason is that when they start pairing off, they can get very aggressive and will defend their territory. You need to be prepared to separate some of the angles if and when it becomes necessary.
Thank you, my Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and Po are all 0. Seeing as how I had just done a water change. My pH is 7.6 and every time I do a water change (which is once a week) I vacuum my gravel. My tank is heated to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. I got 6 of the fish 2 days ago but already had one of them for 6 days before. I also have 7 green Cory Cats in the tank but they have been in there for months. I also use a hob filter with mostly bio media in it.
Ok so something you haven't mentioned is your GH (general hardness). If your GH is above 200ppm then the water is not suitable for angels. However, if you have 100ppm then all the fish in there should be fine.

Also, your substrate doesn't look ideal for the cory cats. If the gravel is jagged and very large, it will damage the corys barbels and they will soon pass. Sand is the ideal substrate.

You need more plants in the tank. Plants are a pretty essential part for the fish in which they provide safety for them and places to hide. In the back left corner I'd suggest adding amazon swords and then some driftwood in the middle of the tank with some anubias or Java fern attached to it.

Also, 55 gallons is too small for 7 angelfish. 55 gallons is classed as minimum for 1 angel. If you want that many you'd have to get a 100gallon+. Also, it is likely that 2 angels will pair off and become a breeding pair. This will mean that they will have dominance over the tank and will try and kill the other angels to protect their young.

Also, the clamped fins could be a sign of stress. Did they have clamped fins when you put them in the tank? Have you notice 1 angel going after the others?

Sorry for this mini rant but its info which could be helpful.

Btw @Utar, you beat me to it about the tank size lol.
Sounds like transition shock. Your Nitrates are probably too high. A 10% water change once a week is not enough. Get a test kit to check nitrates. Do big water changes to get your nitrates under 20 and they should be OK.
Thanks guys,
Today I took the fish back to my LFS and they gave my full store credit. They could not determine exactly what the problem was. After doing so, I completely dismantled the aquarium and bleached everything. Determined to start over in case the fish had a disease. I also moved the Cory cats to a quarantine tank, I've wanted to change the substrate out for black sand anyways so I guess it worked out. I will probably go with some African Cichlids. I'll make sure to watch my water quality closer in the future. Thanks for all the help, I hope nobody loses 4 angelfish in one night like I did.
Thanks guys,
Today I took the fish back to my LFS and they gave my full store credit. They could not determine exactly what the problem was. After doing so, I completely dismantled the aquarium and bleached everything. Determined to start over in case the fish had a disease. I also moved the Cory cats to a quarantine tank, I've wanted to change the substrate out for black sand anyways so I guess it worked out. I will probably go with some African Cichlids. I'll make sure to watch my water quality closer in the future. Thanks for all the help, I hope nobody loses 4 angelfish in one night like I did.
Where will the. cory cats go? By the way, African Cichlids need a GH of over 250ppm. And you haven't told us your GH yet. If you tell us your GH we can suggest ideas for the tank.
Your tank should have had nitrates in it. Not enough plants are in the tank to have absorbed the nitrate. It looks like you lost your cycle some how. HOB filters are fine for large tanks as long as you have one large enough to accommodate size of tank. I only use HOB’s. Did you change your filter media or clean it in chlorine?
Thanks guys,
Today I took the fish back to my LFS and they gave my full store credit. They could not determine exactly what the problem was. After doing so, I completely dismantled the aquarium and bleached everything. Determined to start over in case the fish had a disease. I also moved the Cory cats to a quarantine tank, I've wanted to change the substrate out for black sand anyways so I guess it worked out. I will probably go with some African Cichlids. I'll make sure to watch my water quality closer in the future. Thanks for all the help, I hope nobody loses 4 angelfish in one night like I did.
If you are going down the african cichlid route can I suggest lime stone chip as the base it makes the the tank very stable.

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