Angelfish and Cardinals

Thank you to everyone for there helpful information regardless. Always tricky with cichlids but I appreciate everyone’s input. Going from 1 to 5 I am aware of the chance of pairing and aggression, but I am lucky I know they have been raised from fry to their current size together. Only day one but I am monitoring closely and hopefully everything remains peaceful!
Thank you to everyone for there helpful information regardless. Always tricky with cichlids but I appreciate everyone’s input. Going from 1 to 5 I am aware of the chance of pairing and aggression, but I am lucky I know they have been raised from fry to their current size together. Only day one but I am monitoring closely and hopefully everything remains peaceful!
Be sure to post an update in 6 months or a year and lets us know how it works out.
Absolutely, I know it is very early days, but as I said I am happy they are now in my tank as opposed to the LFS tank and their welfare is my only thought…
I do not mean to be rude or offend anyone and @anewbie, this is not targeted at you but your answer made me think… I think people on this site need to be more open and helpful. Near enough every question I’ve ever asked has been met with “no this will never work, that will never work.” Rarely a helpful outcome is reached. Again I mean no disrespect or anything but the question was whether to add 1 more Angelfish or 4 more Angelfish and the answer is, in a way, “I’ve tried 2, 4, 8 etc. it doesn’t work. Don’t bother” This is not simply about this thread but I just think in general a lot of the answers I’ve received have done nothing but deterred me from this wonderful hobby and I can’t help but think the confusion and disheartening feeling others will feel when reading similar answers. Let’s try to encourage and uplift people who are in this shared hobby and if certain things are Impossible/Cruel/Animal Abuse then let’s kindly educate people 😊
Black angels are beautiful. Nothing cooler than a tank with all angels in it.
You are asking basically if 5 angels would work in a 55 gallon? I think all the answers you have gotten have been pretty much on point and very helpful. I'm sure all the people here have gone through heartbreaks finding out their angel tank has become a war zone after carefully selecting their angels. Contrast that, I myself had 4 angels in a 55 gallon last me years without issues but I have tried to duplicate that setup many times after without success, angels are cichlids and they behave like it. I hope your tank does well with the 5 angels in it, I would love to have 5 black angels in my tank.
I have an approx 55 gallon tank with one medium sized Angelfish and around 15-20 Cardinal Tetras (risky I know). Anyway I’m looking to add some more angelfish and I’m debating adding either 2, 3 or 4 more Angelfish (3,4,5 total). I am tempted to add 4 more so as to disperse aggression but don’t want to over stock. Would 5 angels and 15-20 cardinals be overstocked? If so what would you do?
I have a 55 gallon tank and started with 1 large angel. Now I have 6 adult angels (1 male and 5 females) and they all get along great. the first few days after adding a new one there is some aggression but it settles down and so far no serious injuries (torn fins at the very start and occasionally when the male spawns with one of the females)

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