Angel Fry.. New Pics.. 8/1/08

hi heather, i have three angelfish but two of them are always together with the other one left out. how can i tell if i have all females or not?
ok it does sound like you might have a pair,,,,,,get rid of the loner because he will suffer if they try to breed.....this is the only time your sure to know whats what,,,males have a long thin white breeding tube at base of fish and females is shot fat n stumpy,,,and obviously the fish that goes first and lays the eggs is female,,,,,you will know if they pair of you get lip tugging,cleaning of leafs/wood/rok even glass together and when you see the tubes appear "its not longgg.....

can o ask how often do you clean the water in the fry tank? are they as fussy as discus? How often do you do water changes in the community tank? they are so so cute by the way as looks really healthy by they way!! nice job!
you can keep angels with discus,angels are easy to keep i find i dont do anything tochange water quality exsept the water conditioner :good: water change 30%once a week
ok thanks for that will keep ypu informed of their progress :good:
More pics from today..Just cleaned them out.. :blink:
If you are getting bored of the pics just tell me.. :lol:


My favourite one at the front with the black eye.. :D

The 3 stunners showing off.. :lol:

My favourite one again..

I have decided to keep the 3 of them as I have got very attatched to them.. and I have had them from they were itsy bitsy tiny wee babys.. :good:

Thanks for looking.. x

Us bored????? Are you crazy? Keep the pics comming
Well the batch in the community tank didnt make it.. They got eaten through the night back last week.. :crazy:

Heres a few updated pics..

Feeding time.. :hyper:


My fav one in the middle..He/she is the biggest one.. :good:
Very nice Heather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the middle one to. I will name him/ her squishy, and he/she will be my squishy!!!!!!!!!!!!( got that off finding nemo!) Keep the pic's comming!!!!!!!!!!
:lol: Squishy it is then .. Squishy is always the first up for food..Anytime I walk past the tank he/she swims over hoping for a bite to eat..The others are a little more shy.. :blink:
:lol: Squishy it is then .. Squishy is always the first up for food..Anytime I walk past the tank he/she swims over hoping for a bite to eat..The others are a little more shy.. :blink:
Yay!!!!!!!!!! Im glad Squishy, and the others are doing so well. My adult angel is extrmely shy. I waill walk over to the tank, adn he/she will dart back, and i always walk slowely. I just guess he is a odd one!!!!!!!!!!
Haha Squishy... :hyper: They are all doing very well Krib.. Getting bigger every day.. I think I will maybe have to give 2 of them away as they are going to get too big for the tank they are in ! :( I dont want to though..
Mind sending me Squishy????? Just Kidding, you can keep him, i dont have any room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up with pic's, but Squishy is the star, and he need's his close up!!!!!!!!!
Yeah!!!!!!!!! Pic's!!!!!! Pic's! Pic's!!!! Pic's!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pic's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, im just so excited!

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