Angel Fish


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I had three angel fish in my tank. Recently one died and I added another one in my tank and straight away one of the existing angel fish started attacking it and within hours the new angel fish died because of the persistent attacks by the existing one. I am bit baffled as to why this happened. The one which has attacked has never been aggressive before or since.
It could be that the two you have now are a pair.

Angels aren't aggressive as youngsters, but as they reach sexual maturity, they do become more territorial, especially if they're a pair and will resent new-comers.

I wouldn't try introducing any more angels as the same thing is very likely to happen again.

But your two might well breed for you :)
Any idea why the first angel fish died? Was that also bullied to death (perhaps when you weren't looking)?

Any idea why the first angel fish died? Was that also bullied to death (perhaps when you weren't looking)?


The one which died was far bigger than the existing two and I had never seen them fight. I dont think it was bullied or killed by the existing angels
Any idea why the first angel fish died? Was that also bullied to death (perhaps when you weren't looking)?


The one which died was far bigger than the existing two and I had never seen them fight. I dont think it was bullied or killed by the existing angels

I origianlly had 1 fully grown male. I added 3 more and 2 paired up and killed the one I had had for ages. They then picked on the other one and he eventually died. Had these 2 now for about a year and they are really peaceful to all other fish in my tank but dont think they would take kindly to me adding any more angels. Its very tricky to add more to a tank that already has them especially if they are a pair. I have been asking for advice on this for a while but seems everyone says the same thing.

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