Angel Fish Loosing Fins


New Member
Feb 11, 2006
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I've had this angel fish for about a year and he has been quite happy swimming about doing what fish do. However, in recent weeks his fins are getting smaller and smaller. Is this a case of his fellow tank makes taking a liking to fins or something more sinister.

I've taken a photo of him which shows his current state

click me

Any ideas of what's going on ???

His tank mates and tank size are in my signature


Is it contagious ? Best get some fish medicine and do a water change or 2
Yes, it's contagious but hopefully if you start treating it now you can 'nip' it in the bud before it spreads or gets any worse.
I would say it is your clown loaches or gourami. I had two angels in my tank and my clown loaches were chewing them to bits! they get overly excited and try to eat everything in their way. So i would watch carefully with them. Also my gourami in my tank did not like the angels and chased them around. i eventually had to get a separate tank just for my angels.
I've ordered some fin rot medicine and i guess it won't harm putting it in the tank.

My first thoughts were the clown loaches getting peckish, i'll keep my eyes peeled :look:
Went away for the weekend, got back yesterday and too late he was lying on the bottom :rip:
Finrot can kill a fish in aday seen it with guppys, finrot can be a secondary infection meaning something else it going off health wise.

Water stats would be good.
Slight ammonia reading.
Nitrate abit high what your tap nitrate reading.
How often do you maintain the tank.
Water changes to get it down.

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