Angel Fish In My Tank?


New Member
Apr 20, 2004
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I am looking to add a pair of Angel fish to my tank.

I have been told that its not the best idea to add them to a community tank as they will take over and eat small fish.

Is this true?

I have 4 Giant Danios and 4 Glowlight Tetras, 2 Neon Tetras. I looking to add some bettas and catfish as well as a few other medium size fish and a few more Tetras to add to the shoals.
What size is your tank? I have a pair in one of my tanks with Neons, platies, harlequins and cories and i have had no problems. You may add one male betta only to the tank as they will fight. HTH :)
i have 20 gallon tank.

How many fish would you advise to fit in the tank its part planted?

Thanks :p :cool:

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