Angel Fish Help?


New Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Hi there,

I have always wanted to have a couple of angel fish as there so colourful.
But i was just wandering wether a Angel fish ( or a couple) would go with your normal tetras and corys

pls reply
depends on the tetra, neons will defo be eaten as they are part of there natural diet, however larger tetras may be ok
would penguin tetras and emperors be ok, what about five-banded barbs and bettas
i would try stay away from barbs really because the angels have a fair bit of finnage and alot of barbs tend to nip fins.

i don't know why angels with a betta is a big no no. i kept one with four angels for a good couple of months before taking it to lfs in exchange for a shark.

emperors and penguin tetras would be fine because they're alot bigger than neons.

but then again, ive also kept neons with angels.
small angels which are about an inch and a half tall can be kept with neons and because they've been with them most of their life, they're used to them and most probably won't eat them. but there is the big fact of natural instinct so it is better to stay away from mixing the two.

corys can be kept with angels no doubt about it.
I have neons with 2 angels and they get on fine..(well so far they have) :good: If you get the angels when they are young and they are brought up with the neons..Thats what I done.. ^_^
alot of barbs tend to nip fins.
There are hundreds of barbs, only a few nip fins. Many tetras are far more nippy then barbs, and being front toothed, do a lot more damage per bite.
they get on fine..(well so far they have)
Small tetras are part of the natural diet of Angel Fish. The "bring them up together" story goes round and round, but almost always ends up with mysterious disappearances when the natural instinct of the predator kicks in.
Ah well I will just have to wait and find out, wont I :blink: ..I have had one of my angels for over 2 years..Always been kept with neons.. Never had a problem
i kept my angels from about an inch with neons, but as they grew the neons slowely vanished, didn't have a clue where until i saw an angle with one in its mouth :angry:
if u have angels that are smaller then 4 inches u can keep with any tetras i have
but once they got past 4 inches they will start eating small ifhs such as neon tetras or dannios
ive had first hand experiance lol

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