Angel Fish & Cory


Fish Crazy
Sep 6, 2006
Reaction score
North London
hi everyone, well I have just moved house and all the water stats are fine, but two fish have this odd disease happening. the angel fish has a hole on it's gill and only on the one side, it does have a white large spot on the same side near it's top fin. then only one cory has this "hole" growing on it's head, this morning i saw a piece of it fall off :-(

i have tried protozin and it doesn't seem to have worked, i have been suggested by on lfs that i should try myaxin? does anyone know what it might be? the lfs said fin rot, but it's not the fins that are the ones that are disappearing. The one gill of my beautiful angel fish is growing and I can see his inner gill working please help, i really like my angel fish...
Could it be hole-in-the-head? I know cichlids can get this but have never heard of corries getting it. If it is hole-in-the-head the best Waterlife treatment would be Octozin according to their website. I'm not very clued up on this disease as none of my fish have ever had it. Sorry I can't be of any more help.

Have a look at this site:-
Bacterial will get you some info.
Don't like the hole in the gill as it can point to fish tb, I would issolate the fish.
Ever notice any pitting on the head before the hole devoloped.
Sorry bout the late reply, i have no internet at home at the moment :(

Well I'm baffled as it is only the one Cory that has this disease and the angel fish that has something different? I will be treating the whole tank with Myaxin as I have noticed that some of the fish are "scratching" themselves ever so often. But I see no itch on any of them? I finished the Protozin treatment on Sunday but it seems as if it has not helped.
Check the other fish gills over in the tank, if there flicking without signs, and water quality is good, though meds can make them flick, you could be dealing with flukes.

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