Angel Fish Compatability....


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
Just wondering if angelfish would be ok with corys,harlequinsa DG and possibly blue tetras or cardinals?

Would like a pair but don't want to upset my other fish...

New tank is 24" deep,5 ft long, 19 wide... ph around 7.8-8

Thanks :)
Yes! In fact, I am doing a South American biotope and Harlequin Rasboras and cories are naturally found in the same region. Cardinals are ok, but make sure any schooling fish will grow to be bigger then the Angels mouths :p
Uhm... I thought harlequin rasboras were Malaysian or thereabouts...

To be honest I'd be worried that once adult they might snack on them, but I don't have any direct experience. You might want to wait for someone that has.
^ Rasboras are Asian ;)
If you're wanting to keep cardinal's/tetra buy those first and allow them a maybe a month or 2 of growth before purchasing baby angel's , by the time the cardinal's hit full size the angel's will still be growing . I managed to keep neons and angel's together with no losses doing it this way . Good Luck !
lol Derp. I mixed up my tetras and rasboras Rasboras are Asian....tetras are South American. Regardless...they are compatible, I've had rasboras with my angels in the past and rasboras with be big enough to be ok.

Good suggestion on getting the Cardinals first.

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