Angel Fish Acting Weird?

Fingers crossed mate. I usually look at their heads too. I have a male and a female and the female is bigger, but the male batters her. She has a couple of chunks out of her atmo, but is healing well. She has started to retaliate a bit of late, although only pushing him away.

They lip lock ever now and then, of which she usually loses. It can do a fair bit of damage if it is happening alot, so keep an eye on them. My old male died from the results of it. If mating behaviour then they would be showing their ovipositors by now i reckon, mine usually do but nothing ever comes of it. The males is thinner than the females. :good:
The yellow one is much mode plump than the black/silver one. They are never apart always next to each other but not fighting. The black/silver seems to be coming a little protective over the past few days, chasing the keyholes off if they get near the yellow one lol.

The yellow one seems to have a bigger forehead kinda thing going on too lol. Hope they are pairing up! :).

Non have done any damage to each other witch is good!
The yellow one is much mode plump than the black/silver one. They are never apart always next to each other but not fighting. The black/silver seems to be coming a little protective over the past few days, chasing the keyholes off if they get near the yellow one lol.

The yellow one seems to have a bigger forehead kinda thing going on too lol. Hope they are pairing up! :).

Non have done any damage to each other witch is good!
If you want them to spawn mate your gona need to move them to a breeding tank, slowly up the temp to around 30 and provide a verical slate for them to lay there eggs on
Those are good photos, sounds like you have a pair.

Btw do the Angels not hassle your cardinals? I thought neon & cardinal tetras were the natural food of Angels.
They are, my old male used to love them :rolleyes:

Depends if they're of a size to be eaten by them, and even then are sometimes still ok with them if bought up together so to speak.

If they're chasing off other fish then they're probably pairing up. Mouth locking as mentioned is also used as a testing method to find a 'strong' enough mate and not just a way of fighting.

If they do pair and spawn in turn then the well being of your cardinals and rummynoses will be at risk. They are some of the most evil fish ever created ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

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