Aneus Eggs!


New Member
Dec 8, 2007
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I had been feeding them Tubifex, algae wafers (hikari) and last night i gave them bloodworms.

Well it had been raining all day, i just checked on my tanks and there are 200+ eggs everywhere.

Weird thing is i had been trying to get them to spawn for months in my 20H.

I moved them to my 20l and put in sand, and a powerhead (more flow) and they spawn :)

Only thing is, they caught me off guard and i dont think i have a place to keep them right now :(

So i added another powerhead to keep my 3 neon tetras and the other corys away from the walls of the tank, it seems to be working really well.

Im worried about my apple snails though, will they eat a lot of the eggs? ( they have been laying me a clutch a day now lol)

Around what percentage can i expect to survive if the parents dont eat all the eggs.

I think im gonna feed my cories some more tubifex to keep them from going after the eggs as much.

Sorry if i skipped around or something im kinda excited.
Congratulations Born4spd. On many occassions I have read that people try all kinds of things to get Cories to lay eggs then they give up and lo and behold, they discover a hundred eggs plastered all over the glass days or weeks after they gave up trying. It is very exciting when you first see the little white dots on the sides of the tank and think "What the heck is that?".

At this time, your best bet is to follow the forum titled "Corydoras Aeneus Eggs" on this page. He/she just had the same experience that you did and they have the same questions that you do. And yes, the snails will eat the eggs.
Hi Born4spd :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

I don't think you'll have too much luck with this batch of eggs if you can't hatch them and raise the fry separately from the other fish. C. aeneus are usually not egg eaters themselves, but the other fish and your snail might eat them. Once the tiny fry drop to the bottom they will be eaten by just about any fish that can catch them.

On the brighter side, you have some healthy, mature corys that will probably spawn again soon. If you cannot raise this batch, you have some time to prepare for the next one.

Please let us know how you are doing. We'd be very happy to help you raise a big batch of happy little corys. :D

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