Anemone In Fowlr


Fish Herder
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Kent, England
I have been thinking and although I was dead set on an Anemone in my Reef, I am very happy with how it's looking and have a few tweeks and plans for it that don't include a Nem wandering through it all.
I was talking to the guy at the LFS and he suggested one for my FOWLR, given that there is nothing really nasty going in there I could have a pair of Maroon Clowns and a Nem and then all I would need to do is upgrade the lighting over part of the tank (at least that's the plan). I know all about the warnings and protecting the MP40, I know it can't kill anything whilst wandering as there is nothing in there and the aggressive Maroons would be just right for the tank.
So what do you think?
i know a few people that keep nems in FOWL, they are usually lightly stocked though as the water quality still needs to be bang on.

One of the plusses to a FOWLR is fish can tolerate a bit 'dirtier' water than corals and nems and you dont have to have big lights. Both of these would need to be similar to a reef in order to keep a nem happy. but it is ideal to stop it stinging any corals
I have seem cracking huge, bubble tips for sale recently on UR, would look great in a fowlr and would be fine under 6 x t5

Seffie x
I have seem cracking huge, bubble tips for sale recently on UR, would look great in a fowlr and would be fine under 6 x t5

Seffie x

Well the FOWLR has only 2 x t8's so would probably be looking at a single MH unit, or an LED
I think the tank is too young still, but that could be just all the books I've been reading talking. Well, a little of me too. You started this tank, what, in late March, am I correct? If a planted person wanted to do a serious rescape after only having a tank for 3 months, I'd advise them against it too. You would also have to upgrade the lighting and for me, that's just a pain. While maroons are associated with Bubbletip anemones, they can be kept without a host. It's a "no" vote from me. Sorry.
Yeah I know about the tank maturity and I have to say I contest the point that if your using all mature rock from a tank that was running for 2 years and experienced no cycle, and having also tested the tank they came from I would argue that the tank is as mature as the rock, many would not agree but it's the way I see it. Filter bioload is more variable in Freshwater IME and a tank would be as mature as its filter which would be inline with the age of LR in a marine tank.
I realise the Clowns can be kept without but that isn't really the point for this tank and I know they don't necessarily host but you never know until you try and from the sources I am referring to the Maroons will host quite a few Nems, Not a big fan of Bubble Tips would probably go for a Long tentacled Nem.
The light upgrade is easy, my LFS does tank breakdowns and have already this week been offered various bits and pieces. Tank has a hood so it will be an easy install.
I know they are fragile and I wouldn't rush into it. I have never killed anything (touching wood and crossing fingers) due to poor husbandry, and I really wouldn't want to risk it if I didn't think it would work, did have a couple of random deaths in the Malawi tank aggression between young born in tank and one to bloat, which was obviously developing when I bought it.

I still haven't really decided and it would be a few months if or when it happens, I fully agree you need to be 100% sure how your system is running before doing anything daft. I have been stocking slowly and just done tests and still 0 Nitrate and Phosphate which I think is probably due to the ultra efficient TS1250 and the Refugium which looks like a pod zoo.

Thanks for your thoughts. :good:
If you feel comfortable, then it's your call. I read your journal before I posted initially. Did it again just now to recheck, page 3 said the LR was new and I saw the box of LR on top of a car in page 4, so I assumed new system. If it's not new, then it's not new. They are fragile and make a big mess when they die.

I know you wouldn't make any rash decisions. Especially with all that you've invested in the tank so far.
page 3 said the LR was new and I saw the box of LR on top of a car in page 4, so I assumed new system.

Bless you, that is one of the funniest posts I nearly wet myself. The photo was an image from google that I posted after taking the mickey out of a parcel Woody sent me in return for me sending him some frags, and a bit of banter too and fro, I'm quite offended firstly that you thought that was my wife, or my car, and secondly that you thought I would be idiot enough to transport rock in a cardboard box balanced on my car roof :lol:, although it does explain why you were making sure to warn me of the dangers of nem keeping as after looking at that you must have thought I was a complete and utter brain doner, beware English sarcasm and the danger of skim reading posts.

My LR came from a tank breakdown. :good: (described bottom of page 2 top of 3)
Sorry, you do what you want with your tank... I still wouldn't do it.
Sorry, you do what you want with your tank... I still wouldn't do it.

Please don't apologise I'm not really offended, and I wasn't after upsetting you. Your opinions are greatly valued, but it did make me chuckle, if for no other reason than it gave me a flashback to Woodys box wrapped in green and yellow tape ensemble.

I know that my sense of humour and the way I write things is very British.
Sorry, you do what you want with your tank... I still wouldn't do it.

Please don't apologise I'm not really offended, and I wasn't after upsetting you. Your opinions are greatly valued, but it did make me chuckle, if for no other reason than it gave me a flashback to Woodys box wrapped in green and yellow tape ensemble.

I know that my sense of humour and the way I write things is very British.

No, it's my bad for skimming, but I woulnd't have to skim read if you all kept your journals to just the nitty gritty. Then I wouldn't have to skim to sort through pages upon pages of SPAM!

So it's really your fault. :p

Will say this, though, and then drop the subject, because it isn't up to me. But amid all the "go for it"s & "do it"s, you have to hear someone say no, regardless of the LR maturity issue, which does make sense, depending on transport of the LR and so on. Having been here for a very long time, I've seen many tanks that seem just fine crash. If this were me, I'd take the value of all that you've put into your tank then weigh it with the cost of an anemone, then ask yourself; is is worth it? I don't have a lot of money, for me, Marine is a serious investment. I'm going to always be more conservative, because well, I don't have the money to replace things if a system crashes. It never hurts to wait.

Just saying...
LOL I remember that box!!! Wasn't it leaking GHA?

Mate it seems an alrightish idea but I have a few concerns -
If the tank is going to be fish only with live rock (notice how I typed it out) adding a nem would make it not FOWLR, this drastically alters your potential stocking.

Nems do not do well in young systems, even if your rock Is old as the hills (shock it obviously is being rock but you understand my point) it's the tank itself we are referring to, new additions, spikes, deaths etc can all wipe a nem out.

My last point is why? Of all the fish that are not reef safe, all those stunningly amazing fish and you want some maroon clowns?? Mate get some stuff that's different! Things that eat coral if left alone! The posh stuff you can't have in your other tank! Nothing against clowns as I love them BUT you can make that FOWLR into something else :)
I understand entirely your point on SPAM but I just love the spam banter. A journal without Spam is like a Fish tank without salt, boring. (runs for cover)

I have not decided this is a definite plan and I understand others issues with it but asking questions like this sometimes either brings up ideas to help with the project or an even more attractive alternative, and I am open to them all.

As far as stocking is concerned it doesn't really include anything that would concern the anemone, in fact I have been quite boring as the horror stories about boxfish etc out weigh my fears of Nems. I did have an Snowflake Eel on the list but my Mrs hates that idea, the Lions I have decided against but then saying that they're reef safe.

So what would you put in then Sorgan, your twisted mind obviously has something lurking there. The guy at the LFS already tried to get me to order a Reef Shark (he was joking)

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