And 23 Becomes 30


Fish Fanatic
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
I picked up some fish from Marianne (BC Betta) today. I went there for three girls (CT, DT and MG). I came back with 7. :lol:

I got:
-2x MG DT (female)
-MG CT (female)
-MG Single Tail (female)
-MG DT (male)
-Multi (?) CT (female)
-Partial masked turqoise CT (female)

She charged me $50 for the girls and threw in the male for FREE!! :D She thinks he has swim bladder so she didn't want to sell him. I'm hoping his swimming isn't too bad that I won't be able to get a spawn out of him. :p

On to the pics!








MG. I put the male and her in the spawning tank just now. He's not showing any interest but if it doesn't work out, I still have my MG SD and a couple of DT girls to fall back on.

The bi-color? multi? CT girl. She's VERY eggy and barred up :hyper:


And the turq. CT. She's much more "turqoise-y" than she looks in the pictures

And one of the boys I got last week. I'm going to pair him up with the MG CT girl.
Her fish room is nuts hey... never seen so many bettas in my life.. what a crazy hot stinky room of coolness.

Shes got a weird cat too..

I don't know if I would try spawning the male while he's not doing well.. might even pass on swim bladder to the female.. Try some meds.. I don't think she uses meds, so meds might be all it needs.

Cool bettas though, almost makes me want to get some more from her.
Gee...thank you verrrrry much OMD. :X You just had to make me more jealous of your already stunning bettas! :wub: They're awesome!
I don't know if I would try spawning the male while he's not doing well.. might even pass on swim bladder to the female.. Try some meds.. I don't think she uses meds, so meds might be all it needs.

Swim bladder isn't contagious. There's not much I can do other than give him less to eat. :)
I just whistled aloud at the blue and yellow, male, MG DT. I've never seen coloring quite like that, he's gorgeous.
Could it be possible that it has dropsy? .. I thought swim bladder was caused by bacteria..

I guess I'm not sure.. peas are always good to feed if the fish is blocked/backed up.
Could it be possible that it has dropsy? .. I thought swim bladder was caused by bacteria..

I guess I'm not sure.. peas are always good to feed if the fish is blocked/backed up.

He's not sick. He's eating fine and seems perfectly content. He just doesn't swim around as much as my other males but does fine by resting on the plants. But other than that, he's perfectly healthy.
there is no worry of swimbladder being passed on to can't happen.
One of my fry develoved swimbladder from me being lazy and not rinsing my BBS before adding it to the tank. the salt cause it, once i stopped doing that, he was fine within a week - bye bye swimbladder, he's now over a year and never had a problem again - i would spawn him in a heartbeat without a second thought of future problems with the fry or the female.

I think in this case - it looks like this guy's fins are very heavy and he's probably a little lazy because of it...if you look at the pic and how his fins lay as he's sitting there, it looks like it's fins are weighing him down.
They're all SO pretty, Ashley! I'm not jealous... of course not... ^_^ Good luck with the MG boy, I think it'd be awesome if you spawned him with another DT girl.

Just to let you know about your blue marble x MG spawn, a friend in my Betta club spawned one of my green girls with a MG boy. The babies were really beautiful and HM, but not a bit of yellow! They all came out turqoise with red wash (note that none of mine have shown red at all) :p BUT, in the F2 you should get some interesting MG's. I'm spawning a pair of his to try to get some cute multi's with yellow.
They're all SO pretty, Ashley! I'm not jealous... of course not... ^_^ Good luck with the MG boy, I think it'd be awesome if you spawned him with another DT girl.

Just to let you know about your blue marble x MG spawn, a friend in my Betta club spawned one of my green girls with a MG boy. The babies were really beautiful and HM, but not a bit of yellow! They all came out turqoise with red wash (note that none of mine have shown red at all) :p BUT, in the F2 you should get some interesting MG's. I'm spawning a pair of his to try to get some cute multi's with yellow.

Ahh... good to know! I really, really, really wanna start a crowntail plakat line so I'd be aiming for F2 and on anyways. How awesome would a MG CTPK be?!? :D

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