ancistrus claro LDA08 care


Fish Fanatic
May 4, 2003
Reaction score
Newmarket, England
I have one arriving tomorrow :D and was just wondering if you guys had anything to add to what ive fouind on the web about thier care. basically what i read said there just like your 'standard' bristlenose (temenniki?), and have the same diet and requirements. Anyone with any experience?
thanks for your help.p
Thanks. That puts my mind at rest a bit, i hadnt been able to find much info on these chaps at all.
Thay are amazing fish though and should be called chameleon bristlenoses (as i think planet catfish it is, suggests), he goes from jet black on when on the back wall of my tank to gold with black marbling on the sand.
thanks again.phil
yes i agree.. i quite like those little guys.. i am actually currently trying to put together some sort of breeding colony of these little guys.. missed out on them in my lfs.. seems as though they got bought up faster then i could get there. so i either have to wait for them to come in again.. or wait for a freind to get their's to spawn to get fry from them.

would u happen to have any pics of them?

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