Anchor Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Dec 26, 2005
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Just paid a visit to my lfs and saw some lovely little anchor catfish, just the sort of thing I was after, but not knowing anything about them, and the fact that catfish can grow massive, I didnt buy and wanted to research first.

Just seen on here that infact they do stay small, but are pretty reclusive. Would they have any problem living with oto's and also corries, probably pygmies (when I get round to buying some!)

I really like the idea of lots of small fish all in together.

Any info much appreciated.

ive never heard of an anchor catfish.i dont even think there is one.what did it look like?
:crazy: :/ :blink: :unsure: -_- :huh: :hyper: oh an asian stone catfish.havent heard much about them but i know a lil.
very noctournal fish.feeds off frozen foods.u will barely ever see them.u should have driftwood with them as it is where they are usually found around in the will probly have to feed it when you turn off the lights at night.cant really compete with other more active catfish like corys or eels. it will probly starve to death if you have other active catfish.they should be kept in groups of 3 +.that way u will see more(still not alot) of them.they need to be in pre cycled tank with steady water parameters.likes slow moving water rather than a fast current.this fish prefferes sand rather than gravel.sand should be provided as this catfish may bury itself and gravel may cut it.

does that help? :nerd:
:crazy: :/ :blink: :unsure: -_- :huh: :hyper: oh an asian stone catfish.havent heard much about them but i know a lil.
very noctournal fish.feeds off frozen foods.u will barely ever see them.u should have driftwood with them as it is where they are usually found around in the will probly have to feed it when you turn off the lights at night.cant really compete with other more active catfish like corys or eels. it will probly starve to death if you have other active catfish.they should be kept in groups of 3 +.that way u will see more(still not alot) of them.they need to be in pre cycled tank with steady water parameters.likes slow moving water rather than a fast current.this fish prefferes sand rather than gravel.sand should be provided as this catfish may bury itself and gravel may cut it.

does that help? :nerd:

cheers for that info, doesnt sound like a very 'interesting' fish though, might just stick to the oto's and corries. we will see.
i dont find any interest in any of the small very noctour cats like these banjos or raphaels.i like synos

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