Anchor catfish or small corys with peacock gudgeons??


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
Reaction score
I was looking at possibly getting some bottom dwellers for my 20g high aquarium but wanted some opinions... My two breeding gudgeons are usually always using the bottom MIDDLE section and only really go to the bottom when they are about to lay eggs... This made me wonder whether or not I could do some bottom dwellers because of the activity level there... Maybe a group of 5-6 s&p corys or 3 anchor catfish (not both of course). And if I did do this could I still attempt to get a small school of rasboras or cherry barbs and add on to my gudgeons with a group of 3-4?

Here are the dimensions to my tank in inches LxHxW: 24x16x12
If you want the gudgeons to breed, do not add any more fish.
If you want the gudgeons to breed, do not add any more fish.
I honestly don't want them to breed... I'm not just saying that. I really don't want to care for fry. I'm only caring for the fry that hatch and make it to be free swimmers... Its cool they want to breed and all but seriously, I don't have time for that. But I try to make time when they do come about
Btw I forgot I had this thread 😅
You can do whatever you like, you have a 20-gallon tank, I just wouldn't add Angels or Oscars to it.
But to be honest, after speaking with another member in PMs a while back, I most likely won't be doing any bottom dwelling species with my gudgeons. I will just stick to the schooling fish for the top to mid section of the tank
If you don't want any fry, and these fish are breeding like rabbits then you need something to eat them. How about a Kribensis or Ram something with an Appetit for small fish.
If you don't want any fry, and these fish are breeding like rabbits then you need something to eat them. How about a Kribensis or Ram something with an Appetit for small fish.
I figure the lamb chop rasboras will definitely be big enough to eat them...
They won't care about them as they will be at the bottom of the tank and too large for them to swallow.
Lamb chops get about 1 and a half inches long if I'm correct and stay to the middle and top sections of the tank like the fry do

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