An Old Predatory Video.


Aug 21, 2008
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Another thread in this forum has a few people grumpy about seeing a predatory fish doing what it is supposed to do, feeding on smaller fish.
I can understand it isn't the nicest thing to watch, but it is part of nature.

Some fish though can be trained off live food, and IMO this is better.
Certainly it is healthier.

I have owned many predatory fish, and have made a point of getting them off live food ASAP. Most adjusted well.

My old Channa Micropeltes however NEVER got off the lives.
After reaching a size too big for even my pond, I donated to a public space where according to them it still only takes live food.

Here is Just a little clip of my old Channa Micropeltes (Red Snakehead) showing his true brutal self on a goldie more than half it's size.

I wish I had videos of it eating as a 2ft pond fish, but never really saw much in the green water other than a splash. At that size it was eating common Koi at 8"+.

So let's discuss what this forum is supposed to be about, predatory fish!
Feel free to post your fish hunting vids.
Suprised it hasnt gone for the gar as its not much less size then the goldie... The only fish i've had thats really been predatory towards other fish is my pike cichlid which has a massive mouth for its body size and can eat fish half its size.

My polypterus's have munched there way through a fair few but none of them intended as feeders.

I have no problem with feeding fish feeders but in the UK its too expensive and my guppies dont breed quick enough!
Suprised it hasnt gone for the gar as its not much less size then the goldie... The only fish i've had thats really been predatory towards other fish is my pike cichlid which has a massive mouth for its body size and can eat fish half its size.

My polypterus's have munched there way through a fair few but none of them intended as feeders.

I have no problem with feeding fish feeders but in the UK its too expensive and my guppies dont breed quick enough!

It may be the video, the gar was bigger than the Snakehead. Infect the Gar used to bully the SH a little all the way up to when the Micro was moved to the pond.
Whoa that was really cool !!!!!!
Wat kind of gar was that you had it with??

I wish I had recorded my old fire eel grievous before it died he was a really hood hunter, and never shy at all he was the best fire eel I have ever owned :( I miss him till this day I guess because he was unique to me and an anniversary present from my wife :(
Whoa that was really cool !!!!!!
Wat kind of gar was that you had it with??

I wish I had recorded my old fire eel grievous before it died he was a really hood hunter, and never shy at all he was the best fire eel I have ever owned :( I miss him till this day I guess because he was unique to me and an anniversary present from my wife :(

Not sure about cool, but definitely a force to be reckoned with!

The Gar is a "spotted" Gar.
That was insane to watch. My wife likes to watch the bigger of my two bichir when she puts a blood worm cube in the tank. He lets it sink about half way down then hits it at full speed taking out the center half of the cube and leaveing little clouds of swirling blood worms in his wake.. :) I am sure you have seen somthing similar with your collection of bichirs.

I wih I had a camera handy for when the biggest of my baby lobsters took down a guppy by grabbing both fins when it swam overhead and hanging on like a rodeo clown till he took it down.
I'll try and get a vid of my Cottus Gobio hunting their Bloodworm the only thing is, it's Frozen Bloodworm... Will you still accept this?
I'll try and get a vid of my Cottus Gobio hunting their Bloodworm the only thing is, it's Frozen Bloodworm... Will you still accept this?

For sure!
I used to love watching my Fugus destroy BW cubes!
that was cool. i have no problem with fish doing what comes naturally. quick ending for the goldy too :good:
I have just got just got some red belly piranhas :) iv seen them destroy a frozen blood worm cube but have not given them anything else so not yet seen them at full potential. They r still young too. My friend has a 10 inch silver aroana, very nice fish :)
I have a video which a lot of people won't be happy about but it's my largest male Bullhead, Hades, eating the youngest one... If you want I'll upload it when I can.
I cant view the video it says its private....?
Says its private for me to, sounds really interesting lol i wanna watch it

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