An Interesting And Positive Observation

:) Our walmart here also takes care of the fish now. I had along talk with the store manager and told him what a great job this one man did with the fish.. I also mentioned how awful this other woman was. The following week the bettas were all up graded to larger containers and looked good. I've purchased 9 bettas from there and was given one other.All are very healthy.
I'm just getting home from walmart. Both the fish guys said to me,"you should of been here Monday we got a huge shipment of female bettas in." I told him i wasnt buying anymore until my move to Arizona in a couple months..He laughed and walked off and said"will see"... :lol:

well I do have to say all bettas were in nice clean water and larger contianers. They had one female left.She was a yellow color. Long story short I didn't buy her. I just think moving 10 bettas to Arizona is enough.But then this little voice in my head says, "whats one more" :lol: j/k no more for now.But she sure was cute.

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