So, as it is, I often shop at the infamous big department store. And, I do often buy some of the basic fishy supplies there due to the low cost compared to many other locations (off topic, but I did just find frozen foods for fish there, for about 1/4 what I usualy pay at the LFS).
Sooo...being the curious type I am I often check out their fishies. About two weeks ago, they had a ton )say 25) of bettas in 6 oz cups, looking sickly and lifeless, it was really sad. The rest of their tanks had many dead and overcrowded fish....which is not too uncommon.
So I stop in again a few days later, and MOST tanks are totally empty, and ALL the bettas are gone. Impossible they sold them all in such a short period of time...and worried since I have heard of stores that are told to 'flush' bettas if they sit around for too long....
Long story short, I stop in again a few days later. They have a whole LOT of new bettas, that all look beautiful and healthy
Not only that, while we were looking my daughter wanted a few new danios for her little school (and they are about a dollar each there, I know,I should know better)...and we are talking about the new bettas and tanks etc.
So the woman who sells us the danios, tells us ALL about them and how many they like to be in, talks about the importance of aclimating and how to intro them without the bag water. I let her tell me everything that I already know, just because I was soooo impressed!
Anyway I just thought it would be nice to share this story - we do ALWAYS complain loudly when we see something bad so hopefully others do too and it is being noticed!