An Incredibly Sad Story Of Fish Abuse...


Fish Crazy
Sep 11, 2006
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You dyed fish are bad? Well, it is bad, but this is worse.
There's this LFS that I don't usually go to because the quality isn't usually the best. Since I was in the area, I decided to check it out. I was strolling through the aisles of freshwater tanks and came across some fish named "Love cichlids", they looked exactly like parrot cichlids but something was odd, something was missing. Sure enough, the caudal fin (the one at the back) was somehow removed so the body looked like a heart. Yes, the fin was somehow ripped or amputated off! There were about 40-50 of them in the tank. Some were swimming erratically and others couldn't moved horizontally. Now that's just %&$#ed up! That's probably the worse kind of abuse against fish I've ever encountered in the hobby. There's also probably an enormous number that died and didn't make it to the store. Another thing, no serious fish keeper will buy a fish like this one. It's going to be some people who are like "Oh look! He looks likes a heart! Let's get him!" They'll put one em in a bowl and it'll die in the first month, probably week. Either way, this poor fish has no way to survive.

Stuff like this is what brings down a good day. RIP all those needlessly lost fishes! :-(
Report them if thats the case, surely someone working for the rights of pets etc should be able to do something.

That sucks. Go smash his/her leg up and see how they like it.
Yeah i've heard about it too!

What they do is cut the back off by hand (you got to do it really quickly), and then quickly dip them into an antibiotic solution. Then, into a tank with some other medications.
I can't imagine that's legal... I see you are in Canada - can you notify the humane society or equivalent?

Also - I bet if you told the lfs that you would notify someone they would stop buying them... if you wanted to do it by phone to remain anonymous it would probably work too. I don't mean be aggressive; just tell them that it's probably not legal and you'll be contacting authorities. That will stop them from buying these poor fish. It won't stop the practice but if the lfs's won't buy them it's a start.
If I complain to the LFS they'll say they're born like that or something. They'll cover their asses.
Where would I go complaining about something like this?
I hate use of profanity, especially the word A**, however, what this LFS has done is sick. Get some pictures, the name of the shop, call in to Pet Fish Talk.

I think that is a disgusting practice. You may want to rally outside the LFS with some fish friends, with picket signs and the such.
Really sick. Something should be done about that. How do these people sleep at night????????????? :sick:
skin their backs! (the lfs if they cant admit that these are abused fish and skin the backs of the abusers)
How do these people sleep at night????????????? :sick:
With lots of money in their pockets. Unfortunately, just like died fish, there are people that will buy them and as long as there are they will continue to sell them. As Tokis mentioned, it most likely isn't illegal. Fish just aren't thought of as animals like dogs, cats, etc. Most people couldn't care less about fish and to the best of my knowledge, there is still no scientific proof that fish can feel pain as we do. Is it cruel? Absolutely. But there probably isn't anything that can be done about it other than complain to the manager or owner. The authorities most likely aren't going to get involved.

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