Fish Fanatic
Yep, Jungle vals are the same as the giant. There are several varieties, this one having the longest and widest leaves. The corkscrew val is much smaller and twirls as it grows!
Well, you know me and that I have mostly filterless, soil substrate tanks. The jungle vals that I had for a month and not doing much didn't make me very happy after seeing your vals! These were in a gravel only tank, and the gravel wasn't very deep to boot. I pulled the vals up to see what the roots were doing. Very poorly. Just some black furry roots. I want to see the white tough ones! So I tore down the tank today added soil, and put the same gravel over the top (to keep the bacteria) and replanted the vals, mondo grass and java fern. This is in a goldfish tank. The plants are tough enough to survive goldfish. I also heard that goldfish to not like Egeria densa, so am going to try some of that. I also have hornwort in there that they don't eat.
I have 60 watts of standard flourescent light for 2 watts per gallon, 12 hour a day. I hope that's enough.
I hope to get some of that weedy growth you are referring to!
Well, you know me and that I have mostly filterless, soil substrate tanks. The jungle vals that I had for a month and not doing much didn't make me very happy after seeing your vals! These were in a gravel only tank, and the gravel wasn't very deep to boot. I pulled the vals up to see what the roots were doing. Very poorly. Just some black furry roots. I want to see the white tough ones! So I tore down the tank today added soil, and put the same gravel over the top (to keep the bacteria) and replanted the vals, mondo grass and java fern. This is in a goldfish tank. The plants are tough enough to survive goldfish. I also heard that goldfish to not like Egeria densa, so am going to try some of that. I also have hornwort in there that they don't eat.
I have 60 watts of standard flourescent light for 2 watts per gallon, 12 hour a day. I hope that's enough.
I hope to get some of that weedy growth you are referring to!