An Attempt That Is Likely To Fail


Jun 20, 2007
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Long Island, NY
I've decided to create a journal of my doomed attempt at a FOWLR. Just so you can laugh at something while you should be finishing that report for the boss. :lol:

Well, here are the specs and the planned equipment.

29g (30 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 18 3/4)
Dual satellite compact fluorescent fixture
IO salt
~2 inch bed of aragamax oolitic sand

2x Nano coralias
1x Maxijet 400 for salt mixing
1x 100 watt heater
1x API master test kit
1x Refractometer

1x RO/DI from

Other things that are needed, such as buckets, siphon, thermometer and glass cleaner will also be bought.

Planned stock:

2x Black occelaris clowns
1x Something else, letting my mom pick

1x Decorator crab
1x Cleaner shrimp
2x Peppermint shrimp
Possibly 1x Arrow crab

None until I feel safe with the fish first.

I'm just waiting on a tank popping up on craigslist, as something knocked over the one I had in the garage. :shout: Also waiting on mom to look over her bank account so we can order everything. She's awesome. ^_^

Anyone see any problems with my planned stocking and supplies? I know the shrimp can be a pain when it comes to feeding corals and all, but I'm willing to deal with them.

I'd also like to thank everyone who has helped me and answered my questions. I won't name anyone though, as I'm sure I'd forget someone.

Anyway, it will be a week or two before I actually have everything. I just wanted to start the journal earlier. :shifty:
Lol, yeah. At least then we could laugh a... I mean with you.
Well, I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that we went down to the LFS today and bought a 29g.
The bad news is that we've run into a sudden financial problem and we can't set it up for a long while. :shout:

In order to keep this tank from going the way of the last one I'm going to set this one up as a simple freshwater. :/
we've run into a sudden financial problem

Lotta that goin around lately, you're not alone. Sorry to hear that, I know how excited you were.

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