I've decided to create a journal of my doomed attempt at a FOWLR. Just so you can laugh at something while you should be finishing that report for the boss.
Well, here are the specs and the planned equipment.
29g (30 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 18 3/4)
Dual satellite compact fluorescent fixture
IO salt
~2 inch bed of aragamax oolitic sand
2x Nano coralias
1x Maxijet 400 for salt mixing
1x 100 watt heater
1x API master test kit
1x Refractometer
1x RO/DI from thefilterguys.com
Other things that are needed, such as buckets, siphon, thermometer and glass cleaner will also be bought.
Planned stock:
2x Black occelaris clowns
1x Something else, letting my mom pick
1x Decorator crab
1x Cleaner shrimp
2x Peppermint shrimp
Possibly 1x Arrow crab
None until I feel safe with the fish first.
I'm just waiting on a tank popping up on craigslist, as something knocked over the one I had in the garage. Also waiting on mom to look over her bank account so we can order everything. She's awesome.
Anyone see any problems with my planned stocking and supplies? I know the shrimp can be a pain when it comes to feeding corals and all, but I'm willing to deal with them.
I'd also like to thank everyone who has helped me and answered my questions. I won't name anyone though, as I'm sure I'd forget someone.
Anyway, it will be a week or two before I actually have everything. I just wanted to start the journal earlier.
Well, here are the specs and the planned equipment.
29g (30 1/4 x 12 1/2 x 18 3/4)
Dual satellite compact fluorescent fixture
IO salt
~2 inch bed of aragamax oolitic sand
2x Nano coralias
1x Maxijet 400 for salt mixing
1x 100 watt heater
1x API master test kit
1x Refractometer
1x RO/DI from thefilterguys.com
Other things that are needed, such as buckets, siphon, thermometer and glass cleaner will also be bought.
Planned stock:
2x Black occelaris clowns
1x Something else, letting my mom pick
1x Decorator crab
1x Cleaner shrimp
2x Peppermint shrimp
Possibly 1x Arrow crab
None until I feel safe with the fish first.
I'm just waiting on a tank popping up on craigslist, as something knocked over the one I had in the garage. Also waiting on mom to look over her bank account so we can order everything. She's awesome.
Anyone see any problems with my planned stocking and supplies? I know the shrimp can be a pain when it comes to feeding corals and all, but I'm willing to deal with them.
I'd also like to thank everyone who has helped me and answered my questions. I won't name anyone though, as I'm sure I'd forget someone.
Anyway, it will be a week or two before I actually have everything. I just wanted to start the journal earlier.