An Apology

Awhile back, I had a "how do you cull thread". I got responses which range from "I don't cull" to "culling is cruel". I am glad that people here had the guts to say culling is cruel and don't breed if you have to cull. It gave me a lot to think about. To date I still don't know how I will resolve this. But the culling is cruel point of view is something I am really thinking about. I may follow it or dismiss it. But its good people said it and not just ignored the post "as a silly question".

Good people here.

Got get some rest now. Gearing up for me next round with cation :flex: :lol: (really really egging her to respond to this).
ral said:
Got get some rest now. Gearing up for me next round with cation :flex: :lol: (really really egging her to respond to this).
I have reached a new level of Zen, my friend. :mama:

I will only get worked up on birthdays and bank holidays. The rest of my time is taken up by fasting, floating above the ground, contemplating the nature of the universe, and meditating on my bettas.

However, Monday IS a bank holiday.... :whistle:
cation said:
The rest of my time is taken up by fasting, floating above the ground, contemplating the nature of the universe, and meditating on my bettas.

Float all you want... :alien:

...but leave the Betta tanks firmly planted on terra firma.

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