Amount Of Fish In A 45L Tank?


Fish Crazy
Aug 21, 2011
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Hey, I have a 45l / 10 g tank (uk)
I know about the size ratio to litre.

But I want-

Neon tetras
A Bristlenose plec

and some others.....

How many of each, would you recommend putting into the tank?
And what other fish are great in a community tank?
Far too small for a BN plec I'm afraid, same goes for Swordtails.

Your choices are going to be extremely limited by that tank's size, but you also need to consider how social fish of intrest to you are. For instance, if you were dead set on Neon Tetras, a group of six would be needed and they would "fill" that tank. In small tanks like these, poisons (ammonia, nitrite) can reach critical levels (i.e. fish deaths) very quickly.

If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to "fishless cycle" this tank before buying any fish.
Far too small for a BN plec I'm afraid, same goes for Swordtails.

Your choices are going to be extremely limited by that tank's size, but you also need to consider how social fish of intrest to you are. For instance, if you were dead set on Neon Tetras, a group of six would be needed and they would "fill" that tank. In small tanks like these, poisons (ammonia, nitrite) can reach critical levels (i.e. fish deaths) very quickly.

If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to "fishless cycle" this tank before buying any fish.

You mean everything up and running 3 days before? If so, I have done


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