glad to hear that you go the feeding figure out.
You wan to clean the filter media about once a month. So, in about a month from now, that should be okay.
If you take a bucket of tank water and throw your media from your filter right into the bucket, and then squeeze/gently rub the media within the bucket to get debris off and what not, you will be just fine.
First, let me say THANK YOU, you are such a big almost like we are chatting here.
The thing that confused me is, if I do that cleaning...aint I just getting rid of the good bacteria at that point?
Should I wait at least a month before adding the elephant btw?
You are very welcome!
The bacteria that colonize on your filter media, make what is called, "bio-films" where the bacteria are really secured tightly to the filter media. The only thing that can get rid of them at that point is if you through the filter media away (bad idea) or wash the filter media in non-dechlorinated water (water that has not had any water conditioner added to it). This is why, when you clean filter media, you get a bucket of tank water and rinse the filter media out in that. You will not get rid of much bacteria, at least not any significant amount, but instead you will just clean off debris and stuff from the filter media.
If you are reading 0 ppm of ammonia and nitrite, I would go ahead and add the elephant in one week minimum.
Here is the a video I made of how to clean you filter media. The light is not the best...
video of how to clean you filter media safely!